Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board
Access for Infants and Mothers Program

The May Revision projects an overall expenditure decrease of $3.1 million in federal funds from the level anticipated in the Governor's Budget, to $124.4 million. This 2.4-percent decrease in total funds primarily is due to federal fund changes resulting from corrections to the way that subscriber contributions are budgeted. Average monthly enrollment in the Access for Infants and Mothers (AIM) program is expected to be 1,606 women and infants, slightly higher than the 1,601 originally estimated in the Governor's Budget.

The May Revision projects an overall expenditure decrease of $5.5 million from the level anticipated in the Governor's Budget. This decrease of 4 percent in total funds is largely due to federal fund changes resulting from corrections to the way subscriber contributions are budgeted. Based on the revised revenue projection for Proposition 99 funds, there is insufficient funding in 2007-08 for the AIM program. As a result, the May Revision proposes that Proposition 99 transfer authority be reduced by $8.3 million and that General Fund be used to backfill this need.

There is no change in the projected average monthly caseload of 1,159 women reflected in the Governor's Budget. To control program costs, the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board will maintain capitation rates at their current level. However, the average monthly capitation rate did increase slightly due to the distribution of enrollment among available health plans.

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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Health and Human Services Back to Top

 May Revision Adjustments-Highlights
 Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs
 Department of Health Care Services
 Department of Public Health
 Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board
  Healthy Families Program
 image of black pointing arrowAccess for Infants and Mothers Program
  County Health Initiative Matching Fund Program
 Department of Developmental Services
 Department of Mental Health
 Department of Social Services

Revised Budget Summary - Health and Human Services (pdf * - 42K) -
Provides the entire Health and Human Services Chapter in pdf format.

Revised Budget Detail - Health and Human Services
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for Health and Human Services.

Proposed Budget Summary - Health and Human Services (January 2007)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Health and Human Services.