Department of Public Health
AIDS Drug Assistance Program
The May Revision includes $288.9 million to fully fund the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP), which is 3.5 percent below the $299.4 million identified in the Governor's Budget. The ADAP will serve nearly 32,905 clients in 2007-08, approximately 1,400 clients above prior fiscal year caseload estimates. These savings are a result of ongoing efforts to realize program efficiencies including benefits coordination with other third party payers, an efficient rebate collection system, and savings related to Medicare Part D, while maintaining existing program caseload and services.
As a result of additional drug rebate revenues, the May Revision reflects one-time General Fund savings of $9.3 million and a one-time redirection of $7.8 million General Fund to other HIV care and treatment programs. The one-time redirection of General Fund will better meet the needs of persons living with HIV and ensure the state maintains compliance with federal maintenance-of-effort requirements and continues to receive federal Ryan White Care Act funds totaling approximately $122.0 million in 2007-08. The May Revision includes redirected funding for the following programs:
- $4.0 million for the Therapeutic Monitoring Program to provide more than 33,000 viral load and resistance tests to approximately 17,000 clients.
- Up to $1.8 million to backfill the expected loss of federal funds to six Eligible Metropolitan Areas.
- $1.5 million for the AIDS Regional Information and Evaluation System, a web-based case management system that supports client access to care and treatment.
- $500,000 to support the development and delivery of capacity building activities.
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Revised Budget Summary - Health and Human Services (pdf * - 42K)
- Provides the entire Health and Human Services Chapter in pdf format.
Revised Budget Detail - Health and Human Services
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for Health and Human Services.
Proposed Budget Summary - Health and Human Services (January 2007)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Health and Human Services.