Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Department of Consumer Affairs

The DCA protects consumer interests through licensing and regulation of specific professions, occupations, and businesses. The DCA is directed by statute to facilitate a free-enterprise market economy by educating consumers, fostering competition, guarding against fraudulent practices, and promoting consumer representation throughout all levels of government. The Governor's Budget includes $447 million various special funds, an increase of $31.8 million (decrease of $828,000 General Fund) above the revised 2006-07 Budget.

The Governor's Budget includes $1.1 million and 4.8 positions to create the Professional Fiduciaries Bureau pursuant to Chapter 491, Statutes of 2006 (SB 1550) effective January 1, 2007. The Bureau is responsible for licensing and regulating professional fiduciaries in California. A professional fiduciary acts as a conservator, guardian, trustee, personal representative, or agent under a durable power of attorney for health care or finances for at least two unrelated consumers requiring such services. By July 1, 2008, all professional fiduciaries must be licensed by the Bureau, which will be funded through fees paid by licensees.

The Governor's Budget includes $12.3 million and 8.6 positions for the Bureau of Automotive Repair to implement the provisions of Chapter 761, Statutes of 2006 (AB 1870), which require the Bureau to incorporate a visible smoke test into the Smog Check Program by January 1, 2008. AB 1870 also increases the payment to consumers who retire a vehicle that fails its biennial Smog Check inspection from $1,000 to $1,500. The Program is funded through smog abatement fees paid by motorists.

The Office of Privacy Protection will be transferred to the SCSA as part of the creation of the California Office of Information Security and Protection. As a result, the Governor's Budget reflects a reduction of $878,000 ($826,000 General Fund) and 8.7 positions for the DCA.

The Governor's Budget includes $11.4 million (federal fund and various special funds) and 74.7 positions to continue funding for the Bureau of Private Postsecondary and Vocational Education, an increase of $3.4 million special funds and 20.3 positions. Although the Bureau is scheduled to sunset effective July 1, 2007, the Administration will be sponsoring legislation to reform the Bureau's operations, and establish the Private Postsecondary Education and Student Protection Act. The Governor's Budget reflects this change to create a licensing program that is more efficiently administered and enforced and to protect students who pay in advance for educational services, which will be funded through fees paid by licensees.

The DCA is charged with safeguarding the life, health, property and welfare of the people of California by regulating the practices of its licensees. This is partially accomplished by enforcing laws and regulations for each of the regulated professions under the DCA's purview. The Governor's Budget includes an increase of $3 million for additional enforcement activities. This funding will allow the affected boards, bureaus, and the Division of Investigations to ensure that qualified and licensed professionals are providing consumer services. Enforcement activities are funded through fees and citations paid by licensees. Funding increases are proposed for enforcement activities for the following DCA entities:

  • Board of Accountancy ($345,000)
  • Dental Board ($440,000)
  • Board of Occupational Therapy ($67,000)
  • Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors ($96,000)
  • Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians ($1,175,000)
  • Bureau of Security and Investigative Services ($199,000)
  • Hearing Aid Dispensers Bureau ($67,000)
  • Division of Investigations ($583,000)
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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for State and Consumer Services Back to Top

 Major Accomplishments in 2006-07
 Proposed State and Consumer Services Agency Spending for 2007-08
 Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
  Secretary for State and Consumer Services Agency
  California Science Center
  Franchise Tax Board
  Department of General Services
 image of black pointing arrowDepartment of Consumer Affairs

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