Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Department of General Services

The Department of General Services provides centralized services to state agencies in the following areas: telecommunications; management of state-owned and leased real estate; approval of architectural designs for local schools and other state-owned buildings; printing services; procurement of commodities, services, and equipment for state agencies; and maintaining the state vehicle fleet. The Department, a fee-for-service agency, receives the majority of its funding from rates, fees, and other charges paid by client departments. The Governor's Budget includes $1.2 billion ($9.2 million General Fund), a decrease of $170.2 million ($11.4 million General Fund increase) above the revised 2006-07 Budget.

The Governor's Budget includes $3.4 million (Service Revolving Fund) and 4.7 positions to implement required energy savings programs and projects as specified in the Governor's Executive Order S-20-04 and the accompanying Green Building Action Plan. These resources will enable the state to systematically reduce state energy consumption by taking all cost-effective measures described in the Green Building Action Plan to retrofit, build, and operate the most energy and resource efficient buildings. Ultimately, these resources will enable the state to operate state-owned facilities rated "Silver" or higher as determined by the United States Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and will result in significantly reduced grid-based energy usage by state buildings.

The Governor's Budget includes $7.4 million General Fund and 4.3 positions to complete critical repairs to the State Capitol. A recently completed infrastructure report has identified the repair, system replacement, and maintenance activities necessary over the next 20 years to extend the useful life of the State Capitol.

The Governor's Budget includes $1.5 million General Fund to complete the Capitol Park Master Plan. The Capitol Park Master Plan will identify the historic landscape of the park, the current infrastructure conditions, security and maintenance needs, and future memorial locations and how to address all of the needs through the maintenance and reconstruction of the park over the next 50 years.

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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for State and Consumer Services Back to Top

 Major Accomplishments in 2006-07
 Proposed State and Consumer Services Agency Spending for 2007-08
 Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
  Secretary for State and Consumer Services Agency
  California Science Center
  Franchise Tax Board
 image of black pointing arrowDepartment of General Services
  Department of Consumer Affairs

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Proposed Budget Detail - State and Consumer Services
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