Program Enhancements and Other Adjustments
Department of Developmental Services
The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) is responsible under the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act (Lanterman Act) for ensuring that more than 200,000 persons with developmental disabilities receive the services and support they need to lead more independent and productive lives and to make choices and decisions about their lives.
The Governor's Budget includes $4.3 billion ($2.6 billion General Fund) for the DDS, a net increase of $160.3 million ($38.3 million General Fund) above the revised 2006-07 budget and $241.6 million ($109.6 million General Fund) above the Budget Act of 2006.
Developmental centers are licensed and certified 24-hour, direct-care facilities that provide services to persons with developmental disabilities. In 2006-07, there is an increase of $27.9 million ($18.4 million General Fund) from the Budget Act of 2006 primarily due to adjustments for employee compensation and the current status of the closure process of Agnews Developmental Center. The time required for acquisition and completion of housing will result in a more gradual transition into the community for both consumers and state employees who provide direct care services. The increase in the developmental center population also reflects a reduction in the projected transition of Agnews residents into the community from 119 to 113 residents during the current year. Available savings in the regional centers' budget will be transferred to fund higher developmental center costs.
The Governor's Budget proposes $712.3 million ($393.6 million General Fund) and 7,364.1 positions, a net decrease of $18.4 million ($9.9 million General Fund) and 368 positions from the revised 2006-07 budget. The change primarily reflects a reduction in the developmental center population as consumers transition into the community. The developmental center population is projected to decline, on average, by 245 consumers, from 2,834 to 2,589 in 2007-08, a decrease of 8.6 percent.
Agnews Developmental Center Closure
The Governor's Budget continues to provide funding to achieve closure of Agnews Developmental Center in June 2008. In 2006-07, there is a net decrease of $2.8 million ($0.6 million General Fund increase) due to the anticipated reduction in placements into the community from 119 residents to 113 residents and a more gradual transition of state employees to community-based services. This includes an increase of $0.4 million ($0.2 million General Fund) for an addition of ten positions to facilitate the consumer transition planning process. The regional centers' budget is projected to decrease by $1.0 million ($0.2 million General Fund increase) as a result of the reduced placements into the community.
For 2007-08, the Governor's Budget includes a net decrease of $10.4 million ($5.6 million General Fund) due to the anticipated movement of 145 consumers from Agnews into the community and costs associated with moving an estimated 10 consumers to other developmental centers. The net decrease also includes funding adjustments related to staff costs for closure, facility preparation, and an addition of ten positions to facilitate the consumer transition planning process. The regional centers' budget is projected to increase by $50.7 million ($37.9 million General Fund) for the costs of providing services to the additional consumers in the community.
Salary Increases for Medical Services Personnel
The Governor's Budget contains an increase of $12.6 million ($12.4 million General Fund) to bring salaries for classifications providing medical services to within 18 percent of the Plata court-ordered salaries for the same classifications at the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR). This will allow hiring and retention of medical staff at developmental centers.
The 21 regional centers throughout California are nonprofit corporations contracted by DDS to purchase and coordinate services mandated under the Lanterman Act for persons with developmental disabilities. Services include assessment of needs, coordination of services, resource development, residential placement and monitoring, quality assurance and individual program planning assistance. In 2006-07, there is a net increase of $76.3 million ($51.8 million General Fund) for regional centers due primarily to an increase in the number and cost of services provided to consumers, especially older more medically fragile consumers and those with autism. Costs also are driven by an increase in the minimum wage and community placement plans and placement continuation. There is a decrease of 70 consumers in the community caseload in 2006-07, from 212,225 to 212,155 consumers.
For 2007-08, the Governor's Budget proposes $3.6 billion ($2.2 billion General Fund) to support the regional centers, a net increase of $251.3 million ($46.5 million General Fund) from the revised 2006-07 budget. The change primarily reflects increases in populations, the cost of community care facilities, day programs, support services, miscellaneous services and in the minimum wage. The regional center community population is projected to increase by 8,445 consumers, to 220,600 consumers in 2007-08, which includes 245 developmental center residents who will move into the community.
Non-Medical Transportation and Day Programs
The DHCS is pursuing a revision to the Medi-Cal state plan to include coverage and payment for day program and non-medical transportation services for regional center consumers with developmental disabilities residing in intermediate care facilities. These services currently are provided and paid for by the regional centers solely through state General Fund dollars. The Governor's Budget includes a reduction of $44 million General Fund in the DDS budget as a result of this change.
One-Time Use of Public Transportation Account Funding for Regional Center Transportation Services
The regional centers contract with vendors to provide a number of services to consumers, including transportation services. Transportation services include those provided by public transit, specialized transportation companies and family members or friends. These services allow persons with developmental disabilities to participate in programs and other activities identified in their Individual Program Plans. The Governor's Budget includes $144 million in Public Transportation Account funding on a one-time basis in 2007-08 to replace the General Fund share of regional center transportation costs.
Minimum Wage Increase
On January 1, 2007, California's minimum wage increased by $0.75 to $7.50 per hour. This increase will impact entry-level direct care staff who provide services in community care facilities, day and work activity programs and respite care. The Governor's Budget reflects costs of $26.4 million ($18.3 million General Fund) in 2006-07 and $53.3 million ($37.2 million General Fund) in 2007-08 to fund this increase.
On January 1, 2008, California's minimum wage will increase by an additional $0.50 to $8.00 per hour. The Governor's Budget reflects increased costs of $18.1 million ($12.6 million General Fund) to fund this increase.
Continuation of Temporary Cost Containment Measures
The temporary cost containment measures already in effect, such as rate freezes on targeted program categories, the family cost participation program, and the rate standardization project, will continue in 2007-08.
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