Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Population Policy Adjustments
On October 4, 2006, the Governor issued an emergency proclamation concerning the prison overcrowding crisis. He authorized the CDCR to move forward with a plan to transfer up to 5,000 inmates to prison facilities outside of California. The Budget includes $10.3 million in 2006-07 and $13.2 million in 2007-08 to transfer 2,260 inmates to facilities in Arizona, Tennessee, Indiana, Oklahoma, and Mississippi.
These transfers are necessary due to the significant safety risks to prison staff and inmates as a result of the current overcrowding. The Strategic Growth Plan contains funding for infill capacity that, once completed, will ease prison overcrowding. This additional capacity, combined with acceptance of specified offenders by county jails beginning in 2008-09, will provide needed expansion capability for CDCR. Until these measures are implemented, transferring inmates out of state is necessary to reduce the serious risks associated with the crisis.
The Budget includes $1.7 million General Fund in 2007-08 for the Department to perform pre-activation functions necessary to implement a program for Female Rehabilitative Community Correctional Centers. Once completed, these facilities will provide beds for 4,350 female offenders, and enhance treatment, vocational and educational services that target substance abuse and employability, and will strengthen family ties as offenders prepare to re-enter their communities. In partnership with community providers, this will enable non-serious, non-violent female offenders to participate in rehabilitation programs in the communities to which they will return when released on parole. Community placement provides increased opportunities to reconnect with their children as the offenders transition into parole status.
The Budget provides $2.1 million to activate the Fresno Family Foundation program, a 35-bed community-based program for female offenders. This program will serve women who are non-violent, non-serious offenders with histories of substance abuse and who are pregnant or parenting a child under the age of six. Under this program, the mother spends 12 months in the highly structured residential treatment program followed by 12 months in an aftercare/transition period designed to help her successfully re-enter society. The Department operates similar facilities in Santa Fe Springs and San Diego.
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