Corrections and Rehabilitation
Major Accomplishments in 2006-07
When the departments under the former Youth and Adult Correctional Agency were consolidated into the CDCR in 2005, the Administration committed to improve public safety through the implementation of evidence-based programs that reduce recidivism and prepare inmates to transition back to the community. Toward that end, the Budget for 2006-07 included $52.8 million for inmate education programs, community partnerships, parolee services, institution rehabilitative and treatment programs, and research and support services. This investment grows to $93.9 million in 2007-08. This ongoing funding represents a comprehensive approach to inmate and parolee programming by providing program enhancements and community services to male and female inmates and parolees.
Other initiatives implemented on an ongoing basis in 2006-07 include the following:
- Global Positioning System (GPS) Expansion-As part of a four-year plan to have 2,500 GPS units available for parolee monitoring by 2009-10, the 2006-07 Budget includes $5.1 million to add 500 GPS devices to track and monitor parolees who pose the highest risk to public safety.
- Cadet Needs-To safely operate its institutions, the Department must hire and train more cadets. The 2006-07 Budget provides $54.5 million to expand the training academies to meet the pressing need for adult Correctional Officers, Youth Correctional Officers/Counselors, and parole agents.
- Separate Health Care Item-The 2006-07 Budget includes a $100 million appropriation along with language that allows these funds to be transferred to the CDCR's health care budget to fund the activities of the Receiver appointed by the court in Plata v. Schwarzenegger on an expedited basis.
- Contract Medical and Medical Guarding-The 2006-07 Budget reflects an increase of $250.5 million to adjust the base funding available to pay the increased costs of medical contracts, pharmaceuticals, and medical guarding.
- Protective Vests-The 2006-07 Budget provides $4.1 million to expand the distribution and replacement of protective vests to peace officer staff as well as non-peace officer staff who must perform their duties in high-risk conditions, consistent with the Department's comprehensive protective vest procedures.
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Proposed Budget Detail - Corrections and Rehabilitation
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