Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Highway Safety

Maintaining and promoting safety on California's highways and roads is a critical function of state government. This is accomplished by:

  • Patrol and enforcement.
  • Ensuring the competency of drivers through licensing and testing and by evaluating unsafe drivers.
  • Maintaining accurate and secure records concerning identification and driver performance.
  • Protecting property through the registration and titling of vehicles and vessels.
  • Licensing and regulating occupations and businesses related to the manufacture, transport, sale, and disposal of vehicles and the instruction of drivers.
  • Administering financial responsibility laws such as verification of vehicle insurance coverage.
  • Dispensing traffic safety grants to local and state law enforcement agencies.

Vehicle registration fees and driver's license fees are deposited into the Motor Vehicle Account to be used for the administration and enforcement of laws regulating the use, operation, and registration of vehicles on California public streets and highways, including the enforcement of traffic and vehicle laws by state agencies and the mitigation of the negative environmental effects of motor vehicles.

The Governor's Budget projects the 2007-08 year-end fund balance will be approximately $253.3 million, or 10.8 percent of expenditures. This is a prudent balance necessitated by numerous cost pressures on the fund and the full-year costs of approved budget augmentations, which are described under the affected departments. The long-term outlook of the fund is for a reduction to the balance while retaining solvency without a need to authorize fee increases for several years.

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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Business, Transportation, and Housing Back to Top

 Major Accomplishments in 2006-07
 Proposed Business, Transportation and Housing Spending in 2007-08
 Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
  Transportation Overview
  Transportation Funding Sources
  Transportation - Major Programs
 image of black pointing arrowHighway Safety
  California Highway Patrol
  Department of Motor Vehicles
  Business and Housing
  Department of Housing and Community Development

Budget Summary - Business, Transportation, and Housing (pdf * - 103K) -
Provides this entire Business, Transportation, and Housing Chapter in pdf format.

Proposed Budget Detail - Business, Transportation, and Housing
Displays Proposed Budget Detail information for Business, Transportation, and Housing.