Business, Transportation, and Housing
Major Accomplishments in 2006-07
California is investing more in its transportation system than ever before. In November, California voters approved the $19.9 billion transportation element of the Strategic Growth Plan that will help relieve traffic congestion on California's overcrowded roads, expand the state's mass transit and rail systems and improve the air quality around California's ports.
The voters also approved a $2.85 billion affordable housing bond that will help families become or remain homeowners, provide affordable rental housing, and make housing available for farmworkers and the homeless.
The final 2006-07 Budget included nearly $13.3 billion for transportation. Overall, state and federal transportation revenues increased by $2.7 billion over revised 2005-06 figures. The 2006-07 Proposition 42 transfer was fully funded at an estimated $1.4 billion, and the Budget prepaid $1.4 billion of outstanding Proposition 42 debt that was due to be repaid in 2007-08 and 2008-09. State and federal transportation revenues provided additional resources for the following programs: $1.04 billion for the State Transportation Improvement Program, $925 million for the Traffic Congestion Relief Program, $437 million for local street and road maintenance, and $367 million for transit projects.
Initiatives implemented in 2006-07 include the following:
- $56.4 million as part of a five-year plan to upgrade and replace the California Highway Patrol's radio system, contributing significantly to communications reliability in everyday work and in emergencies.
- $30.5 million for 240 more Highway Patrol officers, bringing the total number to 6,366.
- $18.8 million to begin the planning, programming, and infrastructure development necessary for the Department of Motor Vehicles to implement the federal Real ID Act.
- $6.4 million for 173 additional non-sworn Highway Patrol staff to handle increased cellular 9-1-1 call volume.
- $2.1 million to begin the modernization of the aging core information technology systems used to support the Department of Motor Vehicle's Driver License, Occupational License, and Vehicle Registration programs.
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