4120 Emergency Medical Services Authority
Program Descriptions
3820 - Emergency Medical Services Authority
Disaster Medical Services Division The Disaster Medical Services Division coordinates California's medical response to major disasters. It is the responsibility of this division to carry out the EMS Authority's mandate to provide medical resources to local governments in support of their disaster response efforts. The Division coordinates with the Governor's Office of Emergency Services, Office of Homeland Security, California National Guard, California Department of Public Health, and other local, state, and federal agencies, private sector hospitals, ambulance companies, and medical supply vendors, to promote and improve disaster preparedness and emergency medical response in California.
EMS Personnel Division The EMS Personnel Division is responsible for the certification, licensing, and discipline of all active paramedics throughout the state. The Division develops and implements regulations that set training standards and the scope of practice for various levels of EMS personnel, sets standards for and approves training programs in pediatric first aid, CPR, and preventive health practices for child day care providers and school bus drivers, and is developing standards for emergency medical dispatcher training, pre-arrival emergency care instructions, and the epinephrine auto-injector training program.
EMS Systems Division The EMS Systems Division is in charge of developing and implementing EMS systems throughout California, including supporting local Health Information Exchange projects that will allow the State to collect more meaningful data so that EMS providers can provide better patient care. The Division oversees EMS system development and implementation by the local EMS agencies, the statewide trauma system, and emergency medical dispatcher and EMS communication standards. It establishes regulations and guidelines for local EMS agencies, reviews and approves local EMS plans to ensure they meet the minimum state standards, coordinates injury and illness prevention activities with the California Department of Public Health and the Office of Traffic Safety, manages the state's EMS data and quality improvement process, conducts Ambulance Exclusive Operating Area evaluations, and oversees the operation of California's Poison Control System and EMS for Children programs.