3720 Coastal Commission
Program Descriptions
The objectives of the Coastal Management Program are to implement coastal resources conservation through planning and regulation. Activities include:
- Reviewing and approval of local coastal programs (LCPs), port master plans, university long-range development plans, and any amendments to such plans, for consistency with the Coastal Act.
- Reviewing coastal development permit applications for new development in areas without a certified LCP, areas of permanently retained jurisdiction (e.g., tidelands, submerged lands, and public trust lands) and limited categories of local coastal development permit actions that can be appealed to the Commission.
- Monitoring and enforcement of coastal development permits.
- Reviewing federal activities for consistency with the Coastal Act.
- Protecting and expanding opportunities for public coastal access and recreation.
- Implementing a coastal water quality protection program.
- Providing technical information and assistance to support effective coastal management.
- Implementing a coastal and ocean resource public education program.