8120 Peace Officer Standards, Training Comm
Program Descriptions
The Standards Program establishes job-related selection and training standards for peace officers and dispatchers. It also provides management consultation to local law enforcement agencies. Activities include development of examinations and counseling local law enforcement agencies on ways to improve management practices.
The Program conducts applied research in the areas of peace officer selection and training, operational procedures and program evaluation to meet statutory requirements and to provide management guidance to local law enforcement agencies. It also facilitates the development and implementation of new programs for local agencies by serving as a clearinghouse of successful program information. Finally, it conducts accreditation and peace officer feasibility studies.
The Training Program increases the competence of law enforcement personnel by developing and certifying courses that meet identified training needs. This activity requires scheduling and quality control of such courses, and assisting law enforcement agencies in presenting necessary training and career development programs to their officers. The Commission assesses training on a continuing basis to ensure that evolving training needs are met. The curricula cover a wide variety of topics necessary to satisfy statutory and regulatory mandates, maintain competence in police work, and address the training needs of law enforcement agency personnel. Curricula content is updated regularly. The Program also presents advanced training for law enforcement supervisors and executives through its Command College and the Supervisory Leadership Institute, and for trainers through the Basic Academy Instructor Certificate Program and the Instructor Development Institute. Other specialty programs include the Institute of Criminal Investigation.
Job-related selection and training standards for peace officers and dispatchers, established by the Standards Program, are enforced through inspections of local agencies receiving state aid to ensure they are adhering to minimum state standards.
The Peace Officer Training Program provides financial assistance to participating jurisdictions for instructional costs associated with selected training courses. Funding is also provided for the cost of student travel and per diem expenses associated with training presentations and for necessary overtime to enable line officers to receive in-service training in areas of critical need. To encourage and assist local law enforcement agencies to meet and maintain minimum standards in the selection and training of law enforcement officers, the Commission provides financial assistance to all 58 counties, approximately 346 cities, and numerous specialized districts and local agencies which have agreed to meet the Commission's standards.