7100 Employment Development Department
Major Program Changes
- Unemployment Insurance Administration Funding Shortfall - The Budget proposes $39.7 million General Fund (including $18 million new and a $21.7 million shift from current year to budget year), to fund 594 positions (including 238.5 new positions) to continue to process claims for unemployment benefits, respond to online inquiries, schedule unemployment insurance eligibility determinations, and respond phone calls at the rates of service achieved in 2014-15.
- Unemployment Insurance Interest Payment - The Budget includes $184.4 million General Fund to make an interest payment on funds borrowed from the federal government to pay California's Unemployment Insurance benefits without interruption.
- October Revise - The Budget includes a decrease of $28 million in 2014-15 and a decrease of $260 million in 2015-16 for UI benefit payments based on current economic conditions. The Budget also includes a decrease of $103 million in 2014-15 and an increase of $278.3 million in 2015-16 for Disability Insurance benefit payments.
- October Revise Workload Investment Act (WIA) Funding - The Budget includes an increase of $15.4 million in 2014-15 for the Governor's WIA Discretionary funding and 25 Percent Rapid Response funding due to an increase in discretionary funds from 5 percent to 8.75 percent of the federal allotment. The Budget also includes a decrease of $31.6 million for WIA Local Assistance.