6440 University of California
Program Descriptions
5440 - This program provides support for the University. Expenditures are for the following purposes:
General Campuses Instruction includes most of the direct instructional resources associated with the schools and colleges located on the general campuses. Included are classroom and laboratory instruction, instructional technology, online education, and joint scholarly research activities of students and faculty.
Health Sciences This program is conducted in 17 schools that provide education in various health fields to students preparing for careers in health care, teaching, and research. The health science schools are located on six campuses and include six schools of medicine (Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, Riverside, San Diego and San Francisco), two schools of dentistry, three schools of nursing, two schools of public health, two schools of pharmacy, one school of veterinary medicine, and one school of optometry. In addition, programs in medical education are conducted at Berkeley, Fresno, and the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles.
Summer Session This program includes funding for non-matriculated students who enroll in summer sessions.
University Extension This program offers classes, short courses, seminars, field studies, and similar activities throughout California and in several foreign countries. It has open admissions, optional credit, and free student selection of curriculum. University Extension is self-supporting, and its offerings depend on student fees and other non-state revenue. The majority of Extension's offerings are designed to serve the continuing educational needs of professionals.
This program includes expenditures for research activities. The university is designated by the 1960 Master Plan for Higher Education as the primary state-supported academic agency for research.
Public service includes a broad range of activities organized by the University to serve state and local communities, students, teachers, and staff in K-12 schools and community colleges, and the public in general. One component of public service is student academic preparation and educational partnerships, through which the University works collaboratively with schools and other partners to help disadvantaged students meet standards of academic preparation needed to be successful in higher education and the workforce. Public service also includes Cooperative Extension, which is the University's largest public service program. Cooperative Extension provides applied research and educational programs in agriculture and natural resources, family and consumer sciences, and community resource development. Campuses also conduct other public service programs, generally supported by user fees and other non-state fund sources, such as arts and lecture programs, and student-initiated community service projects. The University's public service programs also include a health sciences program jointly operated with the Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science.
Libraries The University libraries identify, acquire, organize, and provide access to publications and scholarly materials in all formats.
Academic Support Academic support on the general campuses is comprised of a number of partially self-supporting activities organized and operated in connection with educational departments and conducted as a basic support for the departments' educational programs. Many kinds of diversified programs are included, such as a demonstration school that serves as an interdepartmental teaching laboratory for experimentation, research and teacher training.
The University also operates dental clinics and neuropsychiatric institutes at Los Angeles and San Francisco, a veterinary medicine teaching facility at Davis and the San Joaquin Valley, an optometry clinic at Berkeley, and two occupational health centers. These facilities are extensions of the health sciences schools and provide both clinical experience and community health services.
Other academic support activities supporting both general campus and health sciences programs include vivaria, which provide centralized facilities for ordering, receiving, and care of all animals necessary for teaching and research in the biological sciences; support for arts through direct sponsorship of performances and exhibits; support of specialized physical science and engineering projects; and support for professional journals.
The University owns and operates five academic medical centers in Davis, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco. Their primary mission is to support the clinical teaching programs of the schools of medicine and the educational programs in the University's other health science schools. The academic medical centers also provide a full range of health care services to their communities and are sites for the development and testing of new diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. The medical centers provide health care to patients who generally have more serious illnesses and fewer financial resources than patients at non-teaching hospitals.
This program includes activities whose primary purpose is to contribute to the students' emotional and physical well-being, including their intellectual, cultural and social development outside the context of the formal instruction program.
Institutional support includes a wide variety of activities including police, accounting, payroll, human resources, administrative computing, material management, environmental health and safety, and publications. Institutional support also includes the planning, policy making, and coordination activities that occur within the offices of the Chancellors, President, and the Regents.
This function includes resources for the operation and maintenance of the University's physical plant, including site infrastructure, buildings, and related fixed equipment. Major component elements include purchased utilities, utilities operations, building and grounds maintenance, refuse, and janitorial services, with additional administrative and support services.
University of California students receive financial aid from University resources, the federal government, the state, private donors, and outside agencies. University support is largely in the form of grants and scholarships. The federal government provides loans, work-study, veterans' benefits, and grants. In addition, graduate students receive traineeships and fellowships through various federal programs. The California Student Aid Commission provides grants, and private donors and outside agencies also provide scholarships, grants, and loans.
Auxiliary enterprises are those non-instructional services provided to individuals, primarily students, in return for specific user charges. These services include student housing, food services, bookstores, parking, and, at several campuses, a portion of intercollegiate athletics.
This program is a temporary repository for lump-sum appropriations that are allocated (1) from systemwide provisions to campus provisions and (2) from campus provisions to operating programs and subprograms from which expenditures will occur. Provisions for allocation may include funds for academic position upgrades, staff reclassifications, price adjustments, employee benefit adjustments, debt service, and University endowment income.
This program is a temporary repository for any proposed salary, benefits, and other cost adjustments, only in the proposed budget year. These costs, once determined, will be allocated during the budget year into the appropriate functional program areas. It is also used for pass through funding that is not available for operating needs, such as general obligation bond debt service funding that is automatically transferred.
Extramural programs are supported by fund sources defined as non-budgeted due to the limited life of the funding source. These extramural fund sources are derived from state agency contracts, federal contracts and grants, private contracts and grants, and other university one-time funding.
The University manages the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The laboratory is a separate entity.