5225 Corrections and Rehabilitation
Program Descriptions
The Department accepts commitments from California courts provided that the person to be committed was under 18 years of age at the time the offense was committed, can materially benefit from institutional programs, and there are adequate facilities available to care for the individual.
The objective of the Juvenile Operations program is to ensure the operation of safe and secure juvenile facilities, to perform tasks related to routine day-to-day operations of institutions and camps, and to provide juvenile offenders necessary services such as security, feeding, clothing, and facility operations. In addition, this program provides staff training, juvenile offender intake and court services, population management services, facility maintenance, and maintains juvenile offender master files. This program currently oversees operations for three facilities and one conservation camp. In addition, Juvenile Operations and Offender Programs are responsible for overseeing and implementing the Integrated Behavioral Treatment Model which uses evidence-based principles of a cognitive behavioral treatment program to guide the development of the best program for the unique needs of the youth population.
Treatment programs begin by performing diagnostic studies, program assignment, objective setting and progress evaluation, and post release planning for each offender. Based on the results of this evaluation, various counseling and evidence-based treatment programs are available, including mental health and other cognitive behavior programs (i.e., anger interruption therapy, counterpoint, sex offender treatment, general population outpatient services, and substance abuse treatment programs), camp programs, and work employability programs. These evidence-based programs are designed to promote positive social behavior and reduce recidivism and relapse.