Government Code, Division 3, Chapter 1.
4515-Juvenile Operations and Juvenile Offender Programs:
Government Code Section 12838.3. Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 1000-1000.7, 1700, 1701, and 1710. Penal Code Section 6001.
4520-Juvenile Academic and Career Technical Education:
Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 1120.1 and 1120.2. Penal Code Section 6001.
4525-Juvenile Health Care Services:
Welfare and Institutions Code Section 1700. Penal Code Section 6001.
4530-4550-Adult Corrections and Rehabilitation Operations - General Security; Inmate Support; Contracted Facilities; Institution Administration:
Penal Code Sections 1168, 1170, 1203.03, 2910, 2910.5, 2910.6, 4750-4753, 5068, 5079, 6005, and 6250-6256; Welfare and Institutions Code, Division 3.
4555-4565-Parole Operations - Adult Supervision; Adult Community Based Programs; Adult Administration:
California Code of Regulations, Title 15, Division 3; Penal Code, Sections 3000-3073, and 5058; Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 3150-3158.
4570-California Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB)/State Authorized Risk Assessment Tool for Sex Offenders (SARATSO):
Penal Code 290.03-09, 1208.8, 1203, 1203e, 1203f, 1203.067, 3008, 9000-9003.
4575-4580-Board of Parole Hearings - Adult and Juvenile Hearings; Administration:
California Code of Regulations, Title 15, Division 2; Penal Code Sections 1170, 3000-3065, 4801 and 5075-5082; California Code of Regulations Title 15, Division 4.5; Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 1700-1705 and 1716-1726, Penal Code Sections 5075-5082.
4585-4600-Rehabilitative Programs - Adult Education; Cognitive Behavioral Treatment and Reentry Services; Adult Inmate Activities; Adult Administration:
California Code of Regulations, Title 15, Sections 3040.1 and 3220 et seq.; Education Code Sections 1259 and 23500; Government Code Sections 15819.295 and 15819.295; Penal Code Sections 1170, 2035, et seq., 2053.1, 2933, 3000, 3054, 3068, 3070, and 3200-3201; Welfare and Institutions Code Section 3001; Government Code Section 12838.2.
4605-Adult Health Care Services:
Government Code Section 12838.2. Penal Code Sections 1170, 2684, 2685, 2960-2981, 3424, 5024.5, 5058.5, 5079, 6044, and 6100-6106.