4440 Department of State Hospitals
Program Descriptions
The In-Patient Services Program administers the California state hospital system, the Forensic Conditional Release Program, the Sex Offender Commitment Program, the Restoration of Competency Program, and the treatment and evaluation of judicially and civilly committed and voluntary patients.
Program Administration
Program Administration includes headquarters functions that support the state hospital system, including policy development and management, licensing oversight, patients' rights coordination, clinical oversight, and data management.
In-Patient Services
The state hospital system includes five state hospitals: Atascadero, Metropolitan, Napa, Patton, and Coalinga. In addition, this program includes three inpatient psychiatric programs. The psychiatric programs are located at the California Medical Facility in Vacaville, Salinas Valley State Prison in Salinas Valley and within the California Health Care Facility in Stockton. The three psychiatric programs provide treatment services to California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation inmates. Mental health treatment services at all facilities are delivered by professionally trained clinical teams who provide full-time inpatient care to the most serious mentally ill and those incapable of living in the community.
Conditional Release
The Forensic Conditional Release Program (CONREP) is the statewide system of community-based services for specified forensic patients. Mandated as a state responsibility by the Governor's Mental Health Initiative of 1984, the program began operations on January 1, 1986.
The goal of CONREP is to ensure greater public protection in California communities via an effective and standardized community outpatient treatment system.
Restoration of Competency
The Restoration of Competency (ROC) Program focuses on defendants deemed Incompetent to Stand Trial (IST) in accordance with Penal Code Section 1370. The ROC Program provides mental health treatment to defendants in a jail-based or community setting, restoring them to competency, and allowing for participation in court proceedings and ensuring due process.