4140 Statewide Health Planning, Development
Program Descriptions
The Health Care Quality and Analysis Program conducts applied health care outcomes analysis to produce public reports that address health care quality, outcomes, access, and other relevant issues in order to improve access to and quality of health care with the intent of improving the health of Californians. Using data collected through the Health Care Information Program, this program also produces data and products about health care cost, utilization and other trends to effectively meet the needs of health care policymakers, health care providers, health planners, public and private sector health care purchasers, researchers, consumers, and the media.
The Health Care Workforce Program supports the development and expansion of primary care, mental health and allied health training throughout the state, promotes health care workforce diversity and cultural competency, encourages providers to work in underserved areas through strategies focused on pipeline development, training and placement, financial incentives, systems redesign, as well as research and policy, and promotes the recruitment of students into health professions. It includes the following program areas:
- Health Careers Training Program - Serves as a health professions resource and liaisons between public and private partnerships to promote recruitment, training, placement, and retention of a multicultural and linguistically competent health workforce in California and provides grants to organizations supporting underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students' pursuit of careers in health care
- Song-Brown Health Care Workforce Training Program - Grants funds to family practice residency, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, mental health, and registered nurse training programs to increase the number and improve the distribution of these professionals in underserved areas of the state.
- California State Loan Repayment Program - Increases the number of licensed primary care physicians, dentists, dental hygienists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives, mental health providers and pharmacists practicing in designated Health Professional Shortage Areas. Repays educational loans of health professionals, who in turn must provide direct patient care in public or private non-profit entities for a minimum of two years and maximum of four years.
- Mental Health Services Act Workforce Education and Training Program - Remedies the shortage of qualified individuals to provide services to address severe mental illnesses by providing stipends and loan repayments to qualified mental health practitioners, funding educational institutions to provide training to physician assistants, supporting psychiatric residency programs, designating mental health professional shortage areas, as well as funding regional partnerships and a technical assistance center.
- Health Workforce Pilot Projects Program - Allows healthcare organizations to test, demonstrate, and evaluate new or expanded roles for health care professionals or new health care delivery alternatives before changes in licensing laws are made by the Legislature. Trainees in approved pilot projects are exempted from other provisions of law and results from these pilot project guide changes to scope of practice statutes:
- Shortage Designation Program - Liaisons between the federal government and health care provider sites applying for designation as a Health Professional Shortage Area or a Medically Underserved Area/Population. These designations enable clinics to draw down additional federal funds by making them eligible for assignment of National Health Service Corps personnel or apply for Rural Health Clinic certification, Federally Qualified Health Center Look-Alike certification, and the New Start/Expansion Program.
- Health Care Reform Program - Monitors progress of the Affordable Care Act, develops recommendations to further the state's healthcare workforce, identifies and promotes federal funding opportunities, engages stakeholders on federal/state health workforce development activities and provides analysis of health reform initiatives.
- Health Care Workforce Clearinghouse Program (Clearinghouse) - Serves as the state's central repository of health care workforce and education information via the collection, analysis and distribution of educational, licensing and employment data and trends.
- CalSEARCH - Provides clinical rotations, externships, internships and employment opportunities in underserved communities to students and existing practitioners in primary care, mental health and allied health.
- Health Professions Education Foundation (a non-profit public benefit corporation) - Provides scholarships and loan repayments to health professional students and graduates who agree to provide direct patient care in a medically underserved area of California for one to three years. Programs serve allied health, nursing, mental health, dentistry, and physician professionals.
The Facilities Development Program safeguards public health, safety, and general welfare through regulation of the design and construction of health care facilities to ensure they are capable of providing sustained services to the public.
The Cal-Mortgage Program is modeled after federal home mortgage insurance programs, and insures loans to public and non-profit health care facilities for construction, renovation, and expansion projects. The Program facilitates access to private capital at no cost to taxpayers and has helped health care providers enhance the delivery of health care throughout California since 1972.
The Program underwrites loans, makes insurance recommendations to the Advisory Loan Insurance Committee, monitors the Cal-Mortgage insured loan portfolio, and administers the Health Facility Construction Loan Insurance Fund. The Program also administers loan payback provisions of Fire Protection Loans and the Eminent Domain Certificate Program for health facilities.
The Health Care Information Program sets standards for, collects, and maintains financial and utilization data from over 5,200 licensed health facilities in California, as well as comprehensive demographic, diagnostic, and treatment data for all patients discharged from licensed hospitals, treated in emergency departments, or having had an ambulatory surgery procedure in hospital surgical clinics. This information is used by health care policymakers, health care providers, health planners, public and private sector health care purchasers, researchers, consumers, and the media.
Administration provides overall management, planning, policy development, legal, legislative, information technology support and administrative services to the OSHPD.