3970 Resources Recycling and Recovery
Program Descriptions
3700 - Waste Reduction and Management
The objectives of the Waste Reduction and Management Program include:
- Ensuring all nonhazardous solid waste is stored, collected, processed, and disposed in a safe and environmentally sound manner.
- Participating in development and maintenance of local solid waste management plans describing how each city and county will reduce solid waste disposed to achieve at minimum a 50 percent diversion of waste from landfills.
- Cleaning up solid waste disposal sites when the responsible party either cannot be identified or is unable or unwilling to pay for timely remediation, and where cleanup is needed to protect public health and safety, or the environment.
- Reducing the amount of waste generated and promoting composting, recycling, and use of recycled materials in manufacturing processes.
- Reducing the number of tires placed in landfills, illegally dumped, or stockpiled while promoting technologies turning waste tires into useful products.
- Reducing the amount of improperly disposed used oil and promoting used oil recycling.
- Reducing electronic waste by providing safe and convenient collection and recycling of specified electronic equipment.
3710 - Education and the Environment Initiative
In cooperation with the State Department of Education and the State Board of Education, the Office of Education and the Environment develops and implements a unified education strategy for educating pupils, faculty, and administrators on the importance of integrating environmental concepts and programs for elementary and secondary schools. The EEI vision encourages responsible stewardship of the Earth, advances tomorrow's leaders in a changing economy, and positively impacts the lives of students, families, schools, communities, and California.
3715 - Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction
CalRecycle administers the Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction program with a goal of achieving an 80-percent recycling rate for glass, aluminum, and plastic beverage containers sold in California. To achieve this goal, the Division of Recycling ensures: (1) the California Redemption Value (CRV) is paid by beverage distributors for each beverage sold in California; (2) consumers are refunded CRV for recycled beverage containers; (3) recycling centers are conveniently located; (4) grants are made to encourage recycling and development of markets for recycled materials; (5) strong oversight and enforcement programs are in place to protect the integrity of the Beverage Container Recycling Fund; and (6) public outreach and private partnerships are promoted.