The State Coastal Conservancy develops and implements projects that protect, restore and enhance natural, recreational, and economic resources along California's coast, coastal watersheds, the ocean, and within the San Francisco Bay Area. Through direct funding and grants to local agencies and nonprofit organizations, the Coastal Conservancy supports the following projects:
- Protect and enhance the natural environment, agricultural lands, scenic lands and urban waterfronts along the Coast and around San Francisco Bay.
- Increase public access to the coast and San Francisco Bay, build trails and increase outdoor recreational opportunities.
- Support education programs about coastal resources for kindergarten through grade 12.
- Prepare for and reduce the unavoidable impacts of climate change on the coastal region and San Francisco Bay Area.
The 2015-16 Governor's Budget proposes that most appropriations for State Coastal Conservancy be budgeted as Local Assistance for three year encumbrance periods, reflecting majority of expenditures under this category. Funds were formerly appropriated as Capital Outlay. This change in character of appropriation more accurately reflects expenditure as most of the funds are granted to local governments, nonprofits and other partners. Funds will continue to be available for both Local Assistance and Capital Outlay.
Since department programs drive the need for infrastructure investment, each department has a related capital outlay program to support this need. For the specifics on the State Coastal Conservancy's Capital Outlay Program, see "Infrastructure Overview."