1110 Department of Consumer Affairs, Boards
Program Descriptions
The Dental Board of California licenses and regulates dentists, registered dental assistants, and registered dental assistants in extended functions. The Board assures the initial and continued competence of its licensees through licensure, investigation of complaints against its licensees, and discipline of those found in violation of the Dental Practice Act (Business and Professions Code sections 1600 et seq.), monitoring licensees whose licenses have been placed on probation, and managing the Diversion Program for licensees whose practice may be impaired due to abuse of dangerous drugs or alcohol.
The Board's objective is to protect and promote the health and safety of consumers in the State of California. To accomplish this objective, the Board must ensure that only those persons possessing the necessary education, examination and experience qualifications receive licenses; all licentiates obtain the required continuing medical education training; consumers are informed of their rights and how complaints may be directed to the Board; consumer complaints against licentiates are promptly, thoroughly and fairly investigated; and appropriate action is taken against licentiates whose care or behavior is outside of acceptable standards.