0250 Judicial Branch
Program Descriptions
The Judicial Council of California is the constitutional policy-making body for the state judiciary. The Council consists of 21 voting members and 12 advisory members; the Chief Justice of California serves as chair. The Judicial Council staff serve as the administrative arm of the Council. Among its duties staff provide policy support to the Council, administrative accountability in the operation of the courts as specified by law, strategic planning for capital outlay, design, and construction of court facilities; and administrative support for courts in areas such as budget, fiscal services, coordination of the assignment of retired judges, technology, education, legal advice and services, human resources, legislative advocacy, and research.
Consistent with the judiciary's mission, the Judicial Council is guided by the following principles:
- To make decisions in the best interests of the public and the court system as a whole.
- To conduct the Council's business based on an underlying commitment to equal and timely justice and public access to an independent forum for the resolution of disputes.
- To provide leadership in the administration of justice by planning and advocating for policies and resources that are necessary for courts to fulfill their mission.
- To ensure the continued development of an accessible, independent court system through planning, research, and evaluation programs, and through the use of modern management approaches and technological developments.
- To provide leadership in the administration of justice by establishing broad and consistent policies for the operation of the courts and appropriate uniform statewide rules and forms.
- To promote a competent, responsive, and ethical judiciary and staff through a comprehensive program of judicial education and training for court employees.
- To contribute to the public's understanding of the judicial process through a continuing program of public education.
- To provide assistance to the courts in developing action plans that are consistent with the Council's Strategic Plan and that address local needs and priorities.