General Government
9658 Budget Stabilization Account

Proposition 58, as approved by the voters in March of 2004, established the Budget Stabilization Account (BSA), and requires the State Controller to transfer a specified percentage of estimated General Fund revenues from the General Fund to the BSA. The Legislature may transfer, by statute, amounts in excess of the specified percentage to the BSA. In addition, the Governor, by executive order, may suspend the transfer to the BSA. Half of the funds transferred to the BSA will be used to retire Economic Recovery Bonds authorized in Proposition 57 (March 2004), up to $5 billion in the aggregate.

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Refer to the Program Descriptions for a description of programs operated by this state agency.

The following identifies budget documents for this state agency that are available in a printable (pdf) format.

Entire Budget Stabilization Account Budget (pdf * - 7K) in pdf format.
This document provides a printable format (pdf) of all budget information for this state agency. Note: Along with other information, this document includes the documents listed below.

Fund Condition Statements ONLY (pdf * - 2K)
This document provides a printable format (pdf) of only the fund condition statements for each fund administered by this state agency.

Detail of Appropriations and Adjustments ONLY (pdf * - 2K)
This document provides a printable format (pdf) of only the detail of appropriations and adjustments for this state agency.

Legal Citations and Authority
Includes the legal citations (state statutes, federal statutes, and court orders) for operation of department programs and activities.