Index of Funds
This page provides an alphabetical index of all funds and identifies the organization responsible for administration of the funds.

By clicking on the Administering Organization name, you will be transferred to the department's budget web page. This web page provides access to all budget information for this department, including its Fund Condition Statement.

By clicking on the administering organization's FCS link, the organization's Fund Condition Statement (FCS) in a printable pdf document will be displayed.

Fund Name
Fund Code
Administering Organization
Fund Condition Statement
2011 Realignment Mental Health 3208 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Abandoned Mine Reclamation and Minerals Fund Subaccount, Mine Reclamation Account 3025 Conservation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Abandoned Watercraft Abatement Fund 0577 Boating and Waterways, Department of FCS (pdf * - 6K)
Accountancy Fund, Professions and Vocations Fund 0704 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Acupuncture Fund 0108 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Acute Orphan Well Account, Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Administrative Fund 3102 Conservation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Administration Account 0625 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Administration Account, California Children and Families Trust Fund 0638 Children and Families Commission, California FCS (pdf * - 12K)
Adoption Assistance Program Subaccount, Health and Human Services Account 3187 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Adoptions Subaccount, Health and Human Services Account 3186 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Adult Protective Services Subaccount, Health and Human Services Account 3184 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Aeronautics Account, State Transportation Fund 0041 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Affordable Housing Innovation Fund 6068 Housing and Community Development, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
AIDS Drug Assistance Program Rebate Fund 3080 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Air Pollution Control Fund 0115 Air Resources Board FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Air Quality Improvement Fund 3119 Air Resources Board FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Air Toxics Inventory and Assessment Account 0434 Air Resources Board FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Alcohol Beverages Control Fund 3036 Alcoholic Beverage Control, Department of FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Fund 0117 Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Fund 3117 Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission FCS (pdf * - 21K)
Analytical Laboratory Account, Department of Food and Agriculture Fund 3101 Food and Agriculture, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Annuitants' Health Care Coverage Fund 0833 Public Employees' Retirement System FCS (pdf * - 9K)
Antiterrorism Fund 3034 Emergency Management Agency, California FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Appellate Court Trust Fund 3060 Judicial Branch FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Apprenticeship Training Contribution Fund 3022 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Architectural Paint Stewardship Account, Integrated Waste Management Fund 3202 Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of FCS (pdf * - 25K)
Armory Discretionary Improvement Account 0485 Military Department FCS (pdf * - 2K)
Asbestos Consultant Certification Account-Asbestos Training and Consultant Certification Fund 0368 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Asbestos Training Approval Account, Asbestos Training and Consultant Certification Account 0369 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Assembly Operating Fund 0125 Legislature FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Athletic Commission Fund 0326 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Attorney General Antitrust Account 0012 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Bay Fill Clean-Up and Abatement Fund 0914 San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission FCS (pdf * - 2K)
Behavioral Science Examiners Fund, Professions and Vocations Fund 0773 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Bi-metal Processing Fee Account, California Beverage Container Recycling Fund 0277 Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of FCS (pdf * - 25K)
Bicycle Transportation Account, State Transportation Fund 0045 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Birth Defects Monitoring Fund 3114 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Board of Pilot Commissioners' Special Fund 0290 Pilot Commissioners for the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo, and Suisun, Board of FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Board of Podiatric Medicine Fund 0295 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Board of Registered Nursing Fund, Professions and Vocations Fund 0761 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Bosco-Keene Renewable Resources Investment Fund 0940 Renewable Resources Investment Program FCS (pdf * - 2K)
Breast Cancer Control Account 0009 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Breast Cancer Fund 0004 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Breast Cancer Research Account 0007 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Building Equity and Growth in Neighborhoods (BEGIN) Fund 6038 Housing and Community Development, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Building Standards Administration Special Revolving Fund 3144 General Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Bureau of Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation Fund 0752 Consumer Affairs Bureaus, Programs, Divisions, Department of FCS (pdf * - 23K)
CA Ports Infrastructure, Security, & AirQuality Improvement Account, Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, & Port Security Fund of 2006 6054 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Cal-OSHA Targeted Inspection and Consultation Fund 0096 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
California Advanced Services Fund 3141 Public Utilities Commission FCS (pdf * - 20K)
California Agricultural Export Promotion Account 0124 Food and Agriculture, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
California Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Research Fund 0823 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
California Architects Board Fund 0706 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
California Beach and Coastal Enhancement Account, California Environmental License Plate Fund 0371 Coastal Commission, California FCS (pdf * - 4K)
California Beverage Container Recycling Fund 0133 Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of FCS (pdf * - 25K)
California Bingo Fund 3131 Gambling Control Commission, California FCS (pdf * - 7K)
California Board of Architectural Examiners - Landscape Architects Fund 0757 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
California Breast Cancer Research Fund 0945 University of California FCS (pdf * - 5K)
California Central Coast State Veterans' Cemetery at Fort Ord Operations Fund 3013 Veterans Affairs, Department of FCS (pdf * - 5K)
California Children and Families First Trust Fund 0623 Children and Families Commission, California FCS (pdf * - 12K)
California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission Fund 0171 Debt and Investment Advisory Commission, California FCS (pdf * - 3K)
California Debt Limit Allocation Committee Fund 0169 Debt Limit Allocation Committee, California FCS (pdf * - 3K)
California Environmental License Plate Fund 0140 Environmental Protection Program FCS (pdf * - 5K)
California Fire and Arson Training Fund 0198 Forestry and Fire Protection, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
California Fund for Senior Citizens 0983 Senior Legislature, California FCS (pdf * - 2K)
California Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Safety Fund 0209 Forestry and Fire Protection, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
California Health Data and Planning Fund 0143 Statewide Health Planning and Development, Office of FCS (pdf * - 8K)
California Health Information Technology and Exchange Fund 3163 California Health and Human Services Agency, Secretary for FCS (pdf * - 4K)
California High-Cost Fund-A Administrative Committee Fund 0464 Public Utilities Commission FCS (pdf * - 20K)
California High-Cost Fund-B Administrative Committee Fund 0470 Public Utilities Commission FCS (pdf * - 20K)
California Main Street Program Fund 3077 Parks and Recreation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 7K)
California Memorial Scholarship Fund 3033 Scholarshare Investment Board FCS (pdf * - 2K)
California Mexican American Veteran's Memorial Beautification and Enhancement Account 0120 Veterans Affairs, Department of FCS (pdf * - 5K)
California Olympic Training Account 0442 State Controller FCS (pdf * - 2K)
California Seniors Special Fund 0886 Commission on Aging FCS (pdf * - 3K)
California State Law Library Special Account 0020 State Library, California FCS (pdf * - 2K)
California Stem Cell Research and Cures Fund 6047 California Institute for Regenerative Medicine FCS (pdf * - 2K)
California Teleconnect Fund Administrative Committee Fund 0493 Public Utilities Commission FCS (pdf * - 20K)
California Tire Recycling Management Fund 0226 Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of FCS (pdf * - 25K)
California Used Oil Recycling Fund 0100 Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of FCS (pdf * - 25K)
California Water Fund 0144 Water Resources, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
California Water Resources Development Bond Fund 0502 Water Resources, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
California Waterfowl Habitat Preservation Account, Fish and Game Preservation Fund 0211 Fish and Game, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
CalWORKs Maintenance of Effort Subaccount, Sales Tax Account 3200 State-Local Realignment FCS (pdf * - 12K)
Cancer Research Fund 0589 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Cannery Inspection Fund 3081 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Car Wash Worker Fund 3072 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Car Wash Worker Restitution Fund 3071 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Carpet Stewardship Account, Integrated Waste Management Fund 3195 Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of FCS (pdf * - 25K)
Caseload Subaccount, Sales Tax Growth Account 0354 State-Local Realignment FCS (pdf * - 12K)
Cemetery Fund, Professions and Vocations Fund 0717 Consumer Affairs Bureaus, Programs, Divisions, Department of FCS (pdf * - 23K)
Central Valley Water Project Construction Fund 0506 Water Resources, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Central Valley Water Project Revenue Fund 0507 Water Resources, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Certification Account, Consumer Affairs Fund 0166 Consumer Affairs Bureaus, Programs, Divisions, Department of FCS (pdf * - 23K)
Certification Fund 0271 Social Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Certified Access Specialist Fund 3091 General Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Charity Bingo Mitigation Fund 3132 Gambling Control Commission, California FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Child Abuse Prevention Subaccount, Health and Human Services Account 3188 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Child Care Account, California Children and Families Trust Fund 0636 Children and Families Commission, California FCS (pdf * - 12K)
Child Health and Safety Fund 0279 Social Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Child Welfare Services Subaccount, Health and Human Services Account 3185 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Fund 0080 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Children's Health and Human Services Special Fund 3156 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
Children's Medical Services Rebate Fund 3079 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
Cigarette and Tobacco Products Compliance Fund 3067 Board of Equalization, State FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Cigarette and Tobacco Products Surtax Fund 0230 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Clandestine Drug Lab Clean-Up Account 0174 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Clean and Renewable Energy Business Financing Revolving Loan Fund 9330 Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission FCS (pdf * - 21K)
Cleanup Loans and Environmental Assistance to Neighborhoods Account 1003 Toxic Substances Control, Department of FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Fund 0098 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy Fund 0296 Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy FCS (pdf * - 2K)
Coastal Access Account, State Coastal Conservancy Fund 0593 State Coastal Conservancy FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Coastal Act Services Fund 3123 Coastal Commission, California FCS (pdf * - 4K)
Coastal Wetlands Fund 3104 Fish and Game, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Collins-Dugan California Conservation Corps Reimbursement Account 0318 Conservation Corps, California FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Community Revitalization Fee Fund 3038 Tax Credit Allocation Committee, California FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Construction Management Education Account (CMEA) 0093 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Contingent Fund of the Medical Board of California 0758 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Continuing Care Provider Fee Fund 0163 Social Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Contractors' License Fund 0735 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Corrections Training Fund 0170 State and Community Corrections, Board of FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Corridor Mobility Improvement Account, Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Fund of 2006 6055 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Counties Children and Families Account, California Children and Families Trust Fund 0585 Children and Families Commission, California FCS (pdf * - 12K)
County Medical Services Subaccount, Sales Tax Growth Account 0359 State-Local Realignment FCS (pdf * - 12K)
County School Service Fund Contingency Account 0030 Education, Department of FCS (pdf * - 6K)
Court Collection Account 0242 Franchise Tax Board FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Court Facilities Trust Fund 3066 Judicial Branch FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Court Interpreters' Fund 0327 Judicial Branch FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Court Reporters Fund 0771 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Credit Union Fund 0299 Financial Institutions, Department of FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Dam Safety Fund 3057 Water Resources, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program Administrative Committee Fund 0483 Public Utilities Commission FCS (pdf * - 20K)
Dealers' Record of Sale Special Account 0460 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Deferred Compensation Plan Fund 0915 Human Resources, Department of FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Deficit Recovery Bond Retirement Sinking Fund Subaccount, Budget Stabilization Account 3090 State Treasurer FCS (pdf * - 4K)
Delinquent Tax Collection Fund 0167 Franchise Tax Board FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Demonstration Disproportionate Share Hospital Fund 7502 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
Dentally Underserved Account, State Dentistry Fund 3039 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Department of Agriculture Account, Department of Food and Agriculture Fund 0111 Food and Agriculture, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Department of Justice Child Abuse Fund 0566 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Department of Justice DNA Testing Fund 0255 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Department of Justice Sexual Habitual Offender Fund 0142 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Department of Pesticide Regulation Fund 0106 Pesticide Regulation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Department of Water Resources Electric Power Fund 3100 Water Resources, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Developmental Disabilities Program Development Fund 0172 Developmental Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Developmental Disabilities Services Account 0496 Developmental Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Diesel Emission Reduction Fund 0314 Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission FCS (pdf * - 21K)
Disability Access Account 0006 General Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Disaster Relief Fund 0372 Emergency Management Agency, California FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Dispensing Opticians Fund 0175 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Distressed Hospital Fund 8033 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
District Attorney and Public Defender Account, Local Revenue Fund 2011 3180 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
DNA Identification Fund 3086 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Domestic Violence Training and Education Fund 0642 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Drinking Water Operator Certification Special Account 0247 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Drinking Water Treatment and Research Fund 0622 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Driver Training Penalty Assessment Fund 0178 Education, Department of FCS (pdf * - 6K)
Driving Under-the-Influence Program Licensing Trust Fund 0139 Alcohol and Drug Programs, Department of FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Drug and Device Safety Fund 3018 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Drug Court Subaccount, Health and Human Services Account 3190 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Drug Medi-Cal Subaccount, Health and Human Services Account 3192 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Earthquake Emergency Investigations Account, Natural Disaster Assistance Fund 0257 Seismic Safety Commission, Alfred E. Alquist FCS (pdf * - 2K)
Earthquake Risk Reduction Fund of 1996 0308 University of California FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Education Account, California Children and Families Trust Fund 0634 Children and Families Commission, California FCS (pdf * - 12K)
Educational Telecommunication Fund 0349 Education, Department of FCS (pdf * - 6K)
Electrician Certification Fund 3002 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Electronic and Appliance Repair Fund 0325 Consumer Affairs Bureaus, Programs, Divisions, Department of FCS (pdf * - 23K)
Electronic Waste Recovery and Recycling Account, Integrated Waste Management Fund 3065 Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of FCS (pdf * - 25K)
Elevator Safety Account 0452 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Emergency Food Assistance Program Fund 0122 Social Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Emergency Housing and Assistance Fund 0985 Housing and Community Development, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Emergency Medical Air Transportation Act Fund 3168 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
Emergency Medical Services Personnel Fund 0312 Emergency Medical Services Authority FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Emergency Medical Services Training Program Approval Fund 0194 Emergency Medical Services Authority FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Emergency Medical Technician Certification Fund 3137 Emergency Medical Services Authority FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Emergency Services and Supplemental Payments Fund 0693 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
Employment Development Department Benefit Audit Fund 0184 Employment Development Department FCS (pdf * - 9K)
Employment Development Department Contingent Fund 0185 Employment Development Department FCS (pdf * - 9K)
Employment Training Fund 0514 Employment Development Department FCS (pdf * - 9K)
Energy Facility License and Compliance Fund 3062 Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission FCS (pdf * - 21K)
Energy Resources Programs Account 0465 Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission FCS (pdf * - 21K)
Energy Resources Surcharge Fund 0186 Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission FCS (pdf * - 21K)
Energy Technologies Research, Development and Demonstration Account 0479 Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission FCS (pdf * - 21K)
Enhanced Fleet Modernization Subaccount, High Polluter Repair and Removal Account 3122 Consumer Affairs Bureaus, Programs, Divisions, Department of FCS (pdf * - 23K)
Enterprise Zone Fund 3165 Housing and Community Development, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Entertainment Work Permit Fund 3204 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation Program Fund 0183 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Environmental Enhancement Fund 0322 Fish and Game, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Environmental Laboratory Improvement Fund 0179 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Environmental Protection Trust Fund 0225 State Water Resources Control Board FCS (pdf * - 17K)
Environmental Quality Assessment Fund 3035 Toxic Substances Control, Department of FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Environmental Water Fund 0244 Water Resources, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Equality in Prevention and Services for Domestic Abuse Fund 3112 Emergency Management Agency, California FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Expedited Site Remediation Trust Fund 0456 Toxic Substances Control, Department of FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Export Document Program Fund 0082 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Exposition Park Improvement Fund 0267 Science Center, California FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Fair and Exposition Fund 0191 Food and Agriculture, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
False Claims Act Fund 0378 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Family Law Trust Fund 0587 Judicial Branch FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Farm and Ranch Solid Waste Cleanup and Abatement Account 0558 Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of FCS (pdf * - 25K)
Farmworker Remedial Account 0023 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Film Promotion and Marketing Fund 3095 Business, Transportation and Housing, Secretary for FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Financial Institutions Fund 0298 Financial Institutions, Department of FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Financial Responsibility Penalty Account 0487 Motor Vehicles, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Fingerprint Fees Account 0017 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Firearm Safety Account 0032 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Firearms Safety and Enforcement Special Fund 1008 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Fiscal Recovery Fund 3059 State Treasurer FCS (pdf * - 4K)
Fish and Game Preservation Fund 0200 Fish and Game, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Fish and Wildlife Pollution Account 0207 Fish and Game, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Flexelect Benefit Fund 0821 Human Resources, Department of FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Food Safety Fund 0177 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Foreclosure Consultant Regulation Fund 3136 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Forest Resources Improvement Fund 0928 Forestry and Fire Protection, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Foster Care Administration Subaccount, Health and Human Services Account 3199 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Foster Care Assistance Subaccount, Health and Human Services Account 3198 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Foster Family Home and Small Family Home Insurance Fund 0131 Social Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Gambling Addiction Program Fund 3110 Alcohol and Drug Programs, Department of FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Gambling Control Fines and Penalties Account 0569 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Gambling Control Fund 0567 Gambling Control Commission, California FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Garment Industry Regulations Fund 3004 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Garment Manufacturers Special Account 0481 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Gas Consumption Surcharge Fund 3015 Public Utilities Commission FCS (pdf * - 20K)
General Growth Subaccount, Sales Tax Growth Account 0361 State-Local Realignment FCS (pdf * - 12K)
Genetic Disease Testing Fund 0203 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Geology and Geophysics Account, Professional Engineer's and Land Surveyor's Fund 0205 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Geothermal Resources Development Account 0034 Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission FCS (pdf * - 21K)
Glass Processing Fee Account, California Beverage Container Recycling Fund 0269 Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of FCS (pdf * - 25K)
Graphic Design License Plate Account 0078 Arts Council, California FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Habitat Conservation Fund 0262 Wildlife Conservation Board FCS (pdf * - 6K)
Harbors and Watercraft Revolving Fund 0516 Boating and Waterways, Department of FCS (pdf * - 6K)
Hatchery and Inland Fisheries Fund 3103 Fish and Game, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Hazardous and Idle-Deserted Well Abatement Fund 0275 Conservation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Hazardous Waste Control Account 0014 Toxic Substances Control, Department of FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Health and Human Services Account, Local Revenue Fund 2011 3182 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Health Care Benefits Fund 3054 University of California FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Health Care Deposit Fund 0912 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
Health Care Support Fund 7503 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
Health Education Account, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Surtax Fund 0231 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Health Statistics Special Fund 0099 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Health Subaccount, Sales Tax Account 0353 State-Local Realignment FCS (pdf * - 12K)
Hearing Aid Dispensers Account of the Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Fund 0208 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
High - Speed Passenger Train Bond Fund 6043 High-Speed Rail Authority FCS (pdf * - 2K)
High Polluter Repair or Removal Account 0582 Consumer Affairs Bureaus, Programs, Divisions, Department of FCS (pdf * - 23K)
Highway Safety, Rehabilitation, and Preservation Account, Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Fund of 2006 6064 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Fund of 2006 6053 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Highway Users Tax Account, Transportation Tax Fund 0062 Shared Revenues FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Highway-Railroad Crossing Safety Account, Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality and Port Security Fund of 2006 6063 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Historic Property Maintenance Fund 0365 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Horse Racing Fund 3153 California Horse Racing Board FCS (pdf * - 2K)
Hospital Building Fund 0121 Statewide Health Planning and Development, Office of FCS (pdf * - 8K)
Hospital Quality Assurance Revenue Fund 3158 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
Hospital Services Account, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Surtax Fund 0232 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Housing Rehabilitation Loan Fund 0929 Housing and Community Development, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Housing Urban-Suburban-and-Rural Parks Account, Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund of 2006 6071 Housing and Community Development, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Illegal Drug Lab Cleanup Account 0065 Toxic Substances Control, Department of FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Immediate and Critical Needs Account, State Court Facilities Construction Fund 3138 Judicial Branch FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Indian Gaming Special Distribution Fund 0367 Gambling Control Commission, California FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Industrial Development Fund 0215 Industrial Development Financing Advisory Commission, California FCS (pdf * - 2K)
Industrial Relations Construction Industry Enforcement Fund 0216 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Infant Botulism Treatment and Prevention Fund 0272 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Inland Wetlands Conservation Fund, Wildlife Restoration Fund 0266 Wildlife Conservation Board FCS (pdf * - 6K)
Insurance Fund 0217 Insurance, Department of FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Integrated Waste Management Account, Integrated Waste Management Fund 0387 Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of FCS (pdf * - 25K)
Internal Health Information Integrity Quality Improvement Account 3151 California Health and Human Services Agency, Secretary for FCS (pdf * - 4K)
Jobs-Housing Balance Improvement Account 3006 Housing and Community Development, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Joe Serna, Jr. Farmworker Housing Grant Fund 0927 Housing and Community Development, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Judges' Retirement Fund 0815 Judges' Retirement System, Contributions to the FCS (pdf * - 4K)
Judges' Retirement System II Fund 0884 Judges' Retirement System, Contributions to the FCS (pdf * - 4K)
Judicial Administration Efficiency and Modernization Fund 0556 Judicial Branch FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Juvenile Justice Account, Local Revenue Fund 2011 3181 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Juvenile Justice Block Grant Fund 3206 Corrections and Rehabilitation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Juvenile Reentry Grant Subaccount, Juvenile Justice Account 3194 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Labor and Workforce Development Fund 3078 Labor and Workforce Development Agency, Secretary for FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Labor Enforcement and Compliance Fund 3152 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Lake Tahoe Conservancy Account 0286 Tahoe Conservancy, California FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Lead-Related Construction Fund 3155 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Cost Recovery Fund 0025 State Water Resources Control Board FCS (pdf * - 17K)
Legislators' Retirement Fund 0820 Legislators' Retirement System, Contributions to the FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Licensed Midwifery Fund 0755 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Licensing and Certification Fund, Mental Health 3099 State Hospitals, Department of FCS (pdf * - 2K)
Lifetime License Trust Account, Fish and Game Preservation Fund 0219 Fish and Game, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
LIHP Fund 8502 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
Local Agency Deposit Security Fund 0240 Financial Institutions, Department of FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Local Airport Loan Account 0052 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Local Bridge Seismic Retrofit Account, Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Fund of 2006 6062 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Local Community Corrections Account, Local Revenue Fund 2011 3177 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Local Government Geothermal Resources Revolving Subaccount, Geothermal Resources Development Account 0497 Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission FCS (pdf * - 21K)
Local Jurisdiction Energy Assistance Account 0429 Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission FCS (pdf * - 21K)
Local Law Enforcement Services Account, Local Revenue Fund 2011 3178 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Local Public Prosecutors and Public Defenders Training Fund 0241 Emergency Management Agency, California FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Local Revenue Fund 0330 State-Local Realignment FCS (pdf * - 12K)
Local Revenue Fund 2011 3171 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Local Safety and Protection Account, Transportation Tax Fund 3149 Local Government Financing FCS (pdf * - 2K)
Local Streets & Road Improvement Congestion Relief & Traffic Safety Acct of 2006 Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality & Port Security Fd of 2006 6065 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Local Transportation Loan Account, State Highway Account, State Transportation Fund 2501 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Low Income Health Program MCE Out-of-Network Emergency Care Services Fund 3201 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Fund 0227 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Major Risk Medical Insurance Fund 0313 Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Managed Care Administrative Fines and Penalties Fund 3133 Managed Health Care, Department of FCS (pdf * - 4K)
Managed Care Fund 0933 Managed Health Care, Department of FCS (pdf * - 4K)
Marine Invasive Species Control Fund 0212 State Lands Commission FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Mass Media Communications Account, California Children and Families Trust Fund 0631 Children and Families Commission, California FCS (pdf * - 12K)
Medi-Cal Inpatient Payment Adjustment Fund 0834 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
Medical Marijuana Program Fund 3074 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Medical Waste Management Fund 0074 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Mental Health Account, Local Revenue Fund 2011 3179 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Mental Health Practitioner Education Fund 3064 Statewide Health Planning and Development, Office of FCS (pdf * - 8K)
Mental Health Services Fund 3085 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
Mental Health Subaccount, Sales Tax Account 0351 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Mine Reclamation Account 0336 Conservation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Missing Persons DNA Data Base Fund 3016 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Mobilehome Park Revolving Fund 0245 Housing and Community Development, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Mobilehome-Manufactured Home Revolving Fund 0648 Housing and Community Development, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Motor Carriers Safety Improvement Fund 0293 California Highway Patrol, Department of the FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Motor Vehicle Account, State Transportation Fund 0044 Motor Vehicles, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Motor Vehicle Fuel Account, Transportation Tax Fund 0061 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Motor Vehicle License Fee Account, Transportation Tax Fund 0064 Motor Vehicles, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Motor Vehicle Parking Facilities Moneys Account 0003 General Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Narcotic Treatment Program Licensing Trust Fund 0243 Alcohol and Drug Programs, Department of FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Native Species Conservation and Enhancement Account, Fish and Game Preservation Fund 0213 Fish and Game, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Natural Gas Subaccount, Public Interest Research, Development, and Demonstration Fund 3109 Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission FCS (pdf * - 21K)
Naturopathic Doctor's Fund 3069 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
New Motor Vehicle Board Account 0054 Motor Vehicles, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Nondesignated Public Hospital Supplemental Fund 3096 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
Nondrug Medi-Cal Substance Abuse Treatment Services Subaccount, Health and Human Services Account 3191 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Nontoxic Dry Cleaning Incentive Trust Fund 3070 Air Resources Board FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Nuclear Planning Assessment Special Account 0029 Emergency Management Agency, California FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Nursing Home Administrator's State License Examining Fund 0260 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Occupancy Compliance Monitoring Account,Tax Credit Allocation Fee Account 0448 Tax Credit Allocation Committee, California FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Occupational Lead Poisoning Prevention Account 0070 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Occupational Safety and Health Fund 3121 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Occupational Therapy Fund 3017 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Off Highway License Fee Fund 0261 Shared Revenues FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Off-Highway Vehicle Trust Fund 0263 Parks and Recreation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Office of Systems Integration Fund 9732 California Health and Human Services Agency, Secretary for FCS (pdf * - 4K)
Oil Spill Prevention and Administration Fund 0320 Fish and Game, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Oil Spill Response Trust Fund 0321 Fish and Game, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Administrative Fund 3046 Conservation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Osteopathic Medical Board of California Contingent Fund 0264 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Outpatient Setting Fund of the Medical Board of California 0210 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Payphone Service Providers Committee Fund 0491 Public Utilities Commission FCS (pdf * - 20K)
Peace Officers' Training Fund 0268 Peace Officer Standards and Training, Commission on FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Pedestrian Safety Account, State Transportation Fund 2500 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Penalty Account, California Beverage Container Recycling Fund 0276 Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of FCS (pdf * - 25K)
Perinatal Insurance Fund 0309 Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board FCS (pdf * - 5K)
PET Processing Fee Account, California Beverage Container Recycling Fund 0278 Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of FCS (pdf * - 25K)
Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Financing Account 8026 State Water Resources Control Board FCS (pdf * - 17K)
Petroleum Violation Escrow Account 0853 Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission FCS (pdf * - 21K)
Pharmacy Board Contingent Fund, Professions and Vocations Fund 0767 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Physical Therapy Fund 0759 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Physician Assistant Fund 0280 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Physician Services Account, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Surtax Fund 0233 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Pierce's Disease Management Account 3010 Food and Agriculture, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Pressure Vessel Account 0453 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Private Hospital Supplemental Fund 3097 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
Private Investigator Fund 0769 Consumer Affairs Bureaus, Programs, Divisions, Department of FCS (pdf * - 23K)
Private Postsecondary Education Administration Fund 0305 Consumer Affairs Bureaus, Programs, Divisions, Department of FCS (pdf * - 23K)
Private Security Services Fund 0239 Consumer Affairs Bureaus, Programs, Divisions, Department of FCS (pdf * - 23K)
Professional Engineers' and Land Surveyors' Fund 0770 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Professional Fiduciary Fund 3108 Consumer Affairs Bureaus, Programs, Divisions, Department of FCS (pdf * - 23K)
Professional Forester Registration Fund 0300 Forestry and Fire Protection, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Propane Safety Inspection and Enforcement Program Trust Fund 0051 Public Utilities Commission FCS (pdf * - 20K)
Property Acquisition Law Money Account 0002 General Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Psychiatric Technicians Account, Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians Fund 0780 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Psychology Fund 0310 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Public Beach Restoration Fund 3001 Boating and Waterways, Department of FCS (pdf * - 6K)
Public Employees Contingency Reserve Fund 0950 Public Employees' Retirement System FCS (pdf * - 9K)
Public Employees' Health Care Fund (PEHCF) 0822 Public Employees' Retirement System FCS (pdf * - 9K)
Public Employees' Retirement Fund 0830 Public Employees' Retirement System FCS (pdf * - 9K)
Public Hospital Investment, Improvement, and Incentive Fund 3172 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
Public Interest Research, Development, and Demonstration Fund 0381 Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission FCS (pdf * - 21K)
Public Resources Account, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Surtax Fund 0235 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Public Rights Law Enforcement Special Fund 3053 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Public School Planning, Design, and Construction Review Revolving Fund 0328 General Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
Public Transportation Account, State Transportation Fund 0046 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Public Transportation Modernization, Improvement & Service Enhancement Account,HighwaySafety,TrafficReduction, Air Quality, & Port Security Fd of 2006 6059 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Public Utilities Commission Ratepayer Advocate Account 3089 Public Utilities Commission FCS (pdf * - 20K)
Public Utilities Commission Transportation Reimbursement Account 0461 Public Utilities Commission FCS (pdf * - 20K)
Public Utilities Commission Utilities Reimbursement Account 0462 Public Utilities Commission FCS (pdf * - 20K)
Public Water System, Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund 7500 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Radiation Control Fund 0075 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Real Estate Appraisers Regulation Fund 0400 Real Estate Appraisers, Office of FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Real Estate Fund 0317 Real Estate, Department of FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Recreational Health Fund 3157 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Recycling Market Development Revolving Loan Subaccount, Integrated Waste Management Account 0281 Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of FCS (pdf * - 25K)
Regional Planning, Housing, and Infill Incentive Account, Housing and Emergency Shelter Trust Fund of 2006 6069 Housing and Community Development, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Registered Environmental Health Specialist Fund 0335 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Registered Nurse Education Fund 0181 Statewide Health Planning and Development, Office of FCS (pdf * - 8K)
Registry of Charitable Trusts Fund 3088 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Removal and Remedial Action Account 0294 Toxic Substances Control, Department of FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Renewable Energy Resources Development Fee Trust Fund 3164 Fish and Game, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Renewable Resource Trust Fund 0382 Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission FCS (pdf * - 21K)
Research Account, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Surtax Fund 0234 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Research and Development Account, California Children and Families Trust Fund 0637 Children and Families Commission, California FCS (pdf * - 12K)
Residential and Outpatient Program Licensing Fund 3113 Alcohol and Drug Programs, Department of FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Respiratory Care Fund 0319 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Restitution Fund 0214 Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board, California FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Retail Food Safety and Defense Fund 3111 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Rigid Container Account 3024 Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of FCS (pdf * - 25K)
Rural CUPA Reimbursement Account 1006 Environmental Protection, Secretary for FCS (pdf * - 4K)
Safe Drinking Water Account 0306 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Fund 3056 Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Office of FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Fund 0629 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Safely Surrendered Baby Fund 8065 Social Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Sale of Tobacco to Minors Control Account 0066 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Sales Tax Account, Local Revenue Fund 0331 State-Local Realignment FCS (pdf * - 12K)
Sales Tax Growth Account, Local Revenue Fund 0333 State-Local Realignment FCS (pdf * - 12K)
Salton Sea Restoration Fund 8018 Fish and Game, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
San Francisco Bay Area Conservancy Program Account, State Coastal Conservancy Fund 0316 State Coastal Conservancy FCS (pdf * - 5K)
San Joaquin River Conservancy Fund 0104 San Joaquin River Conservancy FCS (pdf * - 2K)
Satellite Wagering Account 0192 Food and Agriculture, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
School District Account, Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund 3134 State Water Resources Control Board FCS (pdf * - 17K)
School Employees Fund 0908 Employment Development Department FCS (pdf * - 9K)
School Facilities Fee Assistance Fund 0101 Housing and Community Development, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
School Land Bank Fund 0347 State Lands Commission FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Secretary of State's Business Fees Fund 0228 Secretary of State FCS (pdf * - 4K)
Self - Help Housing Fund 0813 Housing and Community Development, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Self-Insurance Plans Fund 0396 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Senate Operating Fund 0348 Legislature FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Sexual Predator Public Information Account 0256 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Site Operation and Maintenance Account, Hazardous Substances Account 0458 Toxic Substances Control, Department of FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Site Remediation Account 0018 Toxic Substances Control, Department of FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Skilled Nursing Facility Quality and Accountability Fund 3167 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
Small System Technical Assistance Account 0628 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Social Services Subaccount, Sales Tax Account 0352 State-Local Realignment FCS (pdf * - 12K)
Soil Conservation Fund 0141 Conservation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Solid Waste Disposal Site Cleanup Trust Fund 0386 Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of FCS (pdf * - 25K)
South Los Angeles Medical Services Preservation Fund 7504 Health Care Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 26K)
Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensers Fund 0376 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
State Assistance For Fire Equipment Account 0437 Emergency Management Agency, California FCS (pdf * - 11K)
State Athletic Commission Neurological Examination Account 0492 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
State Audit Fund 0126 State Audits, Bureau of FCS (pdf * - 2K)
State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology Fund 0069 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
State Board of Chiropractic Examiners Fund 0152 Chiropractic Examiners, Board of FCS (pdf * - 3K)
State Board of Guide Dogs for the Blind Fund 0024 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
State Certified Unified Program Account 3084 Toxic Substances Control, Department of FCS (pdf * - 16K)
State Children's Trust Fund 0803 Social Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 11K)
State Coastal Conservancy Fund 0565 State Coastal Conservancy FCS (pdf * - 5K)
State Community Corrections Performance Incentive Fund 8059 Corrections and Rehabilitation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 3K)
State Corporations Fund 0067 Corporations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 3K)
State Court Facilities Construction Fund 3037 Judicial Branch FCS (pdf * - 16K)
State Dental Assistant Fund 3142 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
State Dental Hygiene Fund 3140 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
State Dentistry Fund 0741 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
State Department of Public Health Licensing and Certification Program Fund 3098 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
State Emergency Telephone Number Account 0022 California Technology Agency FCS (pdf * - 4K)
State Energy Conservation Assistance Account 0033 Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission FCS (pdf * - 21K)
State Fire Marshal Fireworks Enforcement and Disposal Fund 3120 Forestry and Fire Protection, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
State Fire Marshal Licensing and Certification Fund 0102 Forestry and Fire Protection, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
State Funeral Directors and Embalmers Fund, Professions and Vocations Fund 0750 Consumer Affairs Bureaus, Programs, Divisions, Department of FCS (pdf * - 23K)
State HICAP Fund 0289 Aging, Department of FCS (pdf * - 3K)
State Highway Account, State Transportation Fund 0042 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
State Motor Vehicle Insurance Account 0026 General Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
State Optometry Fund, Professions and Vocations Fund 0763 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
State Parks and Recreation Fund 0392 Parks and Recreation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 7K)
State Peace Officer's and Firefighters' Defined Contribution Plan Fund 0615 Public Employees' Retirement System FCS (pdf * - 9K)
State Penalty Fund 0903 Emergency Management Agency, California FCS (pdf * - 11K)
State Public Works Enforcement Fund 3150 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
State Responsibility Area Fire Prevention Fund 3063 Forestry and Fire Protection, Department of FCS (pdf * - 10K)
State Route 99 Account, Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Fund of 2006 6072 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
State School Building Aid Fund 0739 School Facilities Aid Program FCS (pdf * - 3K)
State School Deferred Maintenance Fund 0961 School Facilities Aid Program FCS (pdf * - 3K)
State School Fund 0342 Education, Department of FCS (pdf * - 6K)
State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Small Community Grant Fund 3147 State Water Resources Control Board FCS (pdf * - 17K)
State-Local Partnership Program Account, Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Fund of 2006 6060 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Stringfellow Insurance Proceeds Account 0572 Toxic Substances Control, Department of FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Strong-Motion Instrumentation and Seismic Hazards Mapping Fund 0338 Conservation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Structural Pest Control Education and Enforcement Fund 0399 Pesticide Regulation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Structural Pest Control Fund 0775 Pesticide Regulation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Structural Pest Control Research Fund 0168 Pesticide Regulation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Student Tuition Recovery Fund 0960 Consumer Affairs Bureaus, Programs, Divisions, Department of FCS (pdf * - 23K)
Surface Impoundment Assessment Account 0482 State Water Resources Control Board FCS (pdf * - 17K)
Surface Mining and Reclamation Account 0035 Conservation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Tax Credit Allocation Fee Account 0457 Tax Credit Allocation Committee, California FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Teacher Credentials Fund 0407 Commission on Teacher Credentialing FCS (pdf * - 4K)
Teacher's Replacement Benefits Program Fund 8005 State Teachers' Retirement System FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Teachers' Deferred Compensation Fund 8041 State Teachers' Retirement System FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Teachers' Health Benefits Fund 8001 State Teachers' Retirement System FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Teachers' Retirement Fund 0835 State Teachers' Retirement System FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Technical Assistance Fund 0270 Social Services, Department of FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Technology Services Revolving Fund 9730 California Technology Agency FCS (pdf * - 4K)
Telephone Medical Advice Services Fund 0459 Consumer Affairs Bureaus, Programs, Divisions, Department of FCS (pdf * - 23K)
Test Development and Administration Account, Teacher Credentials Fund 0408 Commission on Teacher Credentialing FCS (pdf * - 4K)
The Registry of International Student Exchange Visitor Placement Organizations Fund 0288 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
The Salmon and Steelhead Trout Restoration Account 0384 Fish and Game, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Timber Tax Fund 0965 Board of Equalization, State FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Tissue Bank License Fund 0076 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Toxic Substances Control Account 0557 Toxic Substances Control, Department of FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Trade Corridors Improvement Fund 6056 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Traffic Congestion Relief Fund 3007 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Transcript Reimbursement Fund 0410 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Transit-Oriented Development Implementation Fund 9736 Housing and Community Development, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Transportation Debt Service Fund 3107 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Transportation Deferred Investment Fund 3093 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Transportation Facilities Account, Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Fund of 2006 6058 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Transportation Financing Subaccount, State Highway Account, State Transportation Fund 6801 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Transportation Investment Fund 3008 Transportation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 40K)
Transportation Rate Fund 0412 Public Utilities Commission FCS (pdf * - 20K)
Traumatic Brain Injury Fund 0311 Rehabilitation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 2K)
Travel Seller Fund 0158 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Trial Court Improvement Fund 0159 Judicial Branch FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Trial Court Security Account, Local Revenue Fund 2011 3176 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Trial Court Trust Fund 0932 Judicial Branch FCS (pdf * - 16K)
Umbilical Cord Blood Collection Program Fund 1017 University of California FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Unallocated Account, California Children and Families Trust Fund 0639 Children and Families Commission, California FCS (pdf * - 12K)
Unallocated Account, Cigarette and Tobacco Products Surtax Fund 0236 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund 0439 State Water Resources Control Board FCS (pdf * - 17K)
Underground Storage Tank Fund 0475 State Water Resources Control Board FCS (pdf * - 17K)
Underground Storage Tank Petroleum Contamination Orphan Site Cleanup Fund 3145 State Water Resources Control Board FCS (pdf * - 17K)
Underground Storage Tank Tester Account 0436 State Water Resources Control Board FCS (pdf * - 17K)
Undistributed Account, Local Revenue Fund 2011 3197 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Unemployment Compensation Disability Fund 0588 Employment Development Department FCS (pdf * - 9K)
Unfair Competition Law Fund 3087 Justice, Department of FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Unified Program Account 0028 Environmental Protection, Secretary for FCS (pdf * - 4K)
Universal Lifeline Telephone Service Trust Administrative Committee Fund 0471 Public Utilities Commission FCS (pdf * - 20K)
Unlawful Sales Reduction Fund 3075 Emergency Management Agency, California FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve Maintenance and Preservation Fund 0643 Fish and Game, Department of FCS (pdf * - 18K)
Vectorborne Disease Account 0478 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Vehicle Inspection and Repair Fund 0421 Consumer Affairs Bureaus, Programs, Divisions, Department of FCS (pdf * - 23K)
Vehicle License Collection Account, Local Revenue Fund 0329 State-Local Realignment FCS (pdf * - 12K)
Vehicle License Fee Account, Local Revenue Fund 0332 State-Local Realignment FCS (pdf * - 12K)
Vehicle License Fee Growth Account 0334 State-Local Realignment FCS (pdf * - 12K)
Veterans Service Office Fund 0083 Veterans Affairs, Department of FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Veterinary Medical Board Contingent Fund 0777 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Victim - Witness Assistance Fund 0425 Emergency Management Agency, California FCS (pdf * - 11K)
Victims of Corporate Fraud Compensation Fund 3042 Secretary of State FCS (pdf * - 4K)
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Account 0473 Veterans Affairs, Department of FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Vision Care Program for State Annuitants Fund 8049 Human Resources, Department of FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Vocational Nurse Education Fund 3068 Statewide Health Planning and Development, Office of FCS (pdf * - 8K)
Vocational Nursing & Psychiatric Technicians Fund 0779 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of FCS (pdf * - 59K)
Waste Discharge Permit Fund 0193 State Water Resources Control Board FCS (pdf * - 17K)
Wastewater Operator Certification Fund 3160 State Water Resources Control Board FCS (pdf * - 17K)
Water Device Certification Special Account 0129 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Water Rights Fund 3058 State Water Resources Control Board FCS (pdf * - 17K)
Water System Reliability Account 0626 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Welcome Center Fund 3083 Business, Transportation and Housing, Secretary for FCS (pdf * - 3K)
WIC Manufacturer Rebate Fund 3023 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Wildlife Restoration Fund 0447 Wildlife Conservation Board FCS (pdf * - 6K)
Wine Safety Fund 0116 Public Health, Department of FCS (pdf * - 67K)
Winter Recreation Fund 0449 Parks and Recreation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 7K)
Women and Children's Residential Treatment Services Subaccount, Health and Human Services Account 3189 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)
Workers' Compensation Administration Revolving Fund 0223 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Workers' Compensation Managed Care Fund 0132 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Workers' Compensation Return-to-Work Fund 3031 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Workers' Occupational Safety and Health Education Fund 3030 Industrial Relations, Department of FCS (pdf * - 29K)
Yosemite Foundation Account, California Environmental License Plate Fund 0071 Environmental Protection Program FCS (pdf * - 5K)
Youthful Offender Block Grant Fund 3115 Corrections and Rehabilitation, Department of FCS (pdf * - 3K)
Youthful Offender Block Grant Subaccount, Juvenile Justice Account 3193 State-Local Realignment, 2011 FCS (pdf * - 24K)