5225 Corrections and Rehabilitation
Program Descriptions
The primary objective of the Adult Parole Operations program, consistent with the need for public safety, is to increase the rate and degree of successful reintegration and release to society of offenders paroled from state prison. The program is responsible for providing direct supervision, surveillance and necessary apprehension of the state's parolee population. In addition, the program works in conjunction with the Adult Education and Vocations Programs and will work with the Secure Reentry Program Facilities to provide offenders with direct support services (job placement, education, housing, etc.) and community referral services (substance abuse treatment, batter's programs, etc). Parole services will link to Secure Reentry Program Facilities as part of Pre-Parole Development.
Standard and specialized caseloads and degree of supervision monitoring are determined by case factors related to the offender's propensity for violence, past criminal history, and current service needs. When required case assessments indicate, selected parolees will be placed in a higher supervision category intended to prevent, detect, or interrupt behavior likely to endanger the community. Case supervision, reassessment, and reclassification based on parolee behavior and stability in the community are regularly scheduled.
The program utilizes a variety of rehabilitation and assistance programs designed to promote successful reintegration of parolees, while protecting public safety. These programs include, but are not limited to, the In-Custody Drug Treatment Program, Transitional Housing for Parolees, Parolee Services Centers, and Police and Corrections Teams. The program also includes a full continuum of transitional programs, including evidence-based substance abuse treatment, to prepare inmates for release on parole, and community-based continuing care upon parole. Parolees who did not receive in-prison treatment are also eligible for community based residential and outpatient treatment.
The Adult Parole Operations also provides mental health services/treatments to parolees though the Department's Parole Outpatient Clinics. The objectives of this treatment are to ensure public safety and to reduce recidivism through the stabilization and monitoring of the parolees' mental health issues. In keeping with statutory intent, providing treatment and services to parolees that facilitate their reintegration into the community and reduce recidivism has proven to be an effective strategy for reducing state costs.