5225 Corrections and Rehabilitation
Program Descriptions
The objective of the Juvenile Education, Vocations, and Offender Programs is to reduce the number of individuals who re-offend by providing basic academic education, vocational education, and treatment programs to help juvenile offenders develop acceptable socialization and employment skills.
Education programs for juveniles include core academic and career/technical preparation high school courses, general education development preparation, basic skills enhancement, and college preparation. All curriculum presented to students is infused with values-based character education. Supplemental services include library services, special education, English learner services, basic skills enhancement, high school credit work experience, and community service.
Treatment programs begin by performing diagnostic studies, program assignment, objective setting and progress evaluation, and parole planning for each individual. Based on the results of this evaluation, various counseling and treatment programs are available, including mental health programs (i.e. intensive treatment, specialized counseling, sex offender treatment, special behavior treatment, correctional treatment centers, intermediate care facilities, and general population outpatient services), substance abuse treatment programs, camp programs, and work employability programs.