3860 Department of Water Resources
Program Descriptions
The California Water Plan is the state's strategic plan for the efficient use, management and development of the state's water resources. The Plan is updated every five years to provide decision-makers and water and resource managers information on current and future water demands and supplies. The plan also identifies management strategies such as conservation, recycling, desalination, transfers, storage, conveyance, quality, watershed management, ecosystem restoration, and urban land use management to help meet future demands in light of uncertainties and unexpected catastrophic events. The Plan also includes an assessment of regional water needs.
This program also identifies ways for the state to: (1) assist local agencies and governments prepare integrated regional water management plans on a watershed basis and diversify their regional water portfolios, (2) assist cities, counties and local agencies prepare a Water Element for their General Plans, Urban Water Management Plans and Agricultural Water Management Plans, and (3) help local agencies and governments improve coordination between water and land use planning.