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3860 Department of Water Resources
Major Program Changes
- California Central Valley Flood Protection Board - The Budget provides $2 million General Fund to establish the Central Valley Flood Protection Board (Board) per Chapters 365 and 366, Statutes of 2007 (SB 17 and AB 5) as an independent program within the Department of Water Resources. The Board cooperates with various State, federal, and local government agencies in establishing, planning, constructing, operating, and maintaining flood control works. The Board also maintains the integrity of the existing flood control system and designated floodways through its regulatory authority by issuing permits for encroachments that comply with Board standards.
- Flood Control Investments - The Budget provides $461.1 million from Propositions 1E and 84 and 14.2 positions for investments to improve the state's flood control systems. This funding includes $371.8 million for local assistance including flood control subventions, grants for projects to improve flood protection in urban Central Valley areas, support for local maintenance and improvements of delta levees, grants for new flood control feasibility studies and levee evaluations, and programs to improve floodway corridors. Additionally, $89.3 million is provided for state operations, including emergency preparedness in the Delta, development of technical data to support potential reservoir re-operation, implementation of recommendations of the Alluvial Fan Task Force, and administration and technical assistance for grant programs.
- Colorado River Quantification Settlement Agreement (QSA) Projects - The Budget provides $13.5 million General Fund for the lining of the All American and Coachella canals, and other projects to reduce the state's use of Colorado River water. This funding is consistent with the QSA , which is a comprehensive agreement between the federal government, state, and various water agencies to reduce California's use of Colorado River water. These projects are estimated to save approximately 100,000 acre feet of Colorado River water per year.
- Integrated Regional Water Management - The Budget provides $452 million from Propositions 84 and 1E and 12.3 positions for projects to protect communities from drought, protect and improve water quality, improve stormwater management, and reduce dependence on imported water. This funding includes $419.5 million for local assistance grants and $32.5 million for state operations for grant administration, technical assistance, and improving systems for collection and dissemination of water quality and groundwater monitoring data.
- Alternative Delta Conveyance - The Budget provides $1.4 million State Water Project funds to review and update existing and collect necessary new information to begin preparation of an Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement to develop options for an alternative Delta conveyance facility consistent with the Delta Vision.