Business, Transportation & Housing 2640 State Transit Assistance
The State Transit Assistance budget provides funding for allocation to local transit agencies to fund operations and capital costs associated with local mass transportation programs.
Chapter 733, Statutes of 2007 (SB 717), changed the allocation of Proposition 42 revenues going to local transit agencies receiving funding through the State Transit Assistance Program, increasing the local transit agency share from 50 percent to 75 percent, resulting in an increase to local transit agencies of $74.3 million in 2008-09. This reduced the share retained at the state level to fund intercity passenger rail and rail and transit capital projects by a like amount.
PROGRAMSBack to Top The following table presents total proposed budget year positions and expenditures for each budgeted program area. These expenditures include all funding sources that support the state agency's programs.
Totals, Positions and Expenditures (excluding Infrastructure)
Infrastructure Expenditures
Totals, Positions and All Expenditures
Refer to the Program Descriptionsfor a description of programs operated by this state agency.
Refer to the 3-Yr Expenditures & Positions for expenditures, positions, and funding detail. PRINTABLE BUDGET DOCUMENTSBack to Top The following identifies budget documents for this state agency that are available in a printable (pdf) format.
Entire State Transit Assistance Budget (pdf * - 7K) in pdf format.
This document provides a printable format (pdf) of all budget information for this state agency.
Note: Along with other information, this document includes the documents listed below.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONBack to Top Legal Citations and Authority Includes the legal citations (state statutes, federal statutes, and court orders) for operation of department programs and activities.