Department Index By Code
An index of all state agencies included in the Budget arranged by their four-digit organization code. This index can be used to quickly access information for a specific department for users familiar with state organization codes.


0000-0999 1000-1999 2000-2999 3000-3999 4000-4999
5000-5999 6000-6999 7000-7999 8000-8999 9000-9999

0000-0999 Back to Top
0100 Legislature
0150 Legislators' Retirement System, Contributions to the
0160 Legislative Counsel Bureau
0250 Judicial Branch
0280 Commission on Judicial Performance
0390 Judges' Retirement System, Contributions to the
0500 Governor's Office
0502 Office of the Chief Information Officer
0510 State and Consumer Services, Secretary for
0520 Business, Transportation and Housing, Secretary for
0530 California Health and Human Services Agency, Secretary for
0540 Resources, Secretary for
0552 Inspector General, Office of the
0555 Environmental Protection, Secretary for
0558 Education, Office of the Secretary of
0559 Labor and Workforce Development Agency, Secretary for
0650 Planning and Research, Office of
0690 Emergency Services, Office of
0750 Lieutenant Governor, Office of the
0820 Justice, Department of
0840 State Controller
0845 Insurance, Department of
0850 Lottery Commission, California State
0855 Gambling Control Commission, California
0860 Board of Equalization, State
0890 Secretary of State
0950 State Treasurer
0954 Scholarshare Investment Board
0956 Debt and Investment Advisory Commission, California
0959 Debt Limit Allocation Committee, California
0965 Industrial Development Financing Advisory Commission, California
0968 Tax Credit Allocation Committee, California
0971 Alternative Energy and Advanced Transportation Financing Authority, California
0974 Pollution Control Financing Authority, California
0977 Health Facilities Financing Authority, California
0983 Urban Waterfront Area Restoration Financing Authority, California
0985 School Finance Authority, California
0989 Educational Facilities Authority, California
1000-1999 Back to Top
1100 Science Center, California
1110 Consumer Affairs Regulatory Boards, Department of
1111 Consumer Affairs Bureaus, Programs, Divisions, Department of
1690 Seismic Safety Commission, Alfred E. Alquist
1700 Fair Employment and Housing, Department of
1705 Fair Employment and Housing Commission
1730 Franchise Tax Board
1760 General Services, Department of
1870 Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board, California
1880 State Personnel Board
1900 Public Employees' Retirement System
1920 State Teachers' Retirement System
1955 Technology Services, Department of
2000-2999 Back to Top
2100 Alcoholic Beverage Control, Department of
2120 Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board
2150 Financial Institutions, Department of
2180 Corporations, Department of
2240 Housing and Community Development, Department of
2260 Housing Finance Agency, California
2310 Real Estate Appraisers, Office of
2320 Real Estate, Department of
2400 Managed Health Care, Department of
2600 Transportation Commission, California
2640 Transit Assistance, State
2660 Transportation, Department of
2665 High-Speed Rail Authority
2700 Traffic Safety, Office of
2720 California Highway Patrol, Department of the
2740 Motor Vehicles, Department of
3000-3999 Back to Top
3110 Special Resources Programs
3125 Tahoe Conservancy, California
3210 Environmental Protection Program
3340 Conservation Corps, California
3360 Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission
3370 Renewable Resources Investment Program
3460 Colorado River Board of California
3480 Conservation, Department of
3540 Forestry and Fire Protection, Department of
3560 State Lands Commission
3600 Fish and Game, Department of
3640 Wildlife Conservation Board
3680 Boating and Waterways, Department of
3720 Coastal Commission, California
3760 State Coastal Conservancy
3780 Native American Heritage Commission
3790 Parks and Recreation, Department of
3810 Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy
3820 San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission
3825 San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles River and Mountains Conservancy
3830 San Joaquin River Conservancy
3835 Baldwin Hills Conservancy
3840 Delta Protection Commission
3845 San Diego River Conservancy
3850 Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy
3855 Sierra Nevada Conservancy
3860 Water Resources, Department of
3900 Air Resources Board
3910 Integrated Waste Management Board, California
3930 Pesticide Regulation, Department of
3940 State Water Resources Control Board
3960 Toxic Substances Control, Department of
3980 Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Office of
4000-4999 Back to Top
4100 State Council on Developmental Disabilities
4120 Emergency Medical Services Authority
4140 Statewide Health Planning and Development, Office of
4170 Aging, Department of
4180 Commission on Aging
4185 Senior Legislature, California
4200 Alcohol and Drug Programs, Department of
4250 Children and Families Commission, California
4260 Health Care Services, Department of
4265 Public Health, Department of
4270 Medical Assistance Commission, California
4280 Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board
4300 Developmental Services, Department of
4440 Mental Health, Department of
4700 Community Services and Development, Department of
5000-5999 Back to Top
5160 Rehabilitation, Department of
5170 State Independent Living Council
5175 Child Support Services, Department of
5180 Social Services, Department of
5195 State-Local Realignment
5225 Corrections and Rehabilitation, Department of
6000-6999 Back to Top
6110 Education, Department of
6120 State Library, California
6125 Education Audit Appeals Panel
6255 Summer School for the Arts, California State
6300 State Teachers' Retirement System, State Contributions to the
6330 Career Resource Network, California
6350 School Facilities Aid Program
6360 Commission on Teacher Credentialing
6420 Postsecondary Education Commission, California
6440 University of California
6445 California Institute for Regenerative Medicine
6600 Hastings College of the Law
6610 California State University
6870 Governors of the California Community Colleges, Board of
7000-7999 Back to Top
7100 Employment Development Department
7120 California Workforce Investment Board
7300 Agricultural Labor Relations Board
7350 Industrial Relations, Department of
7980 Student Aid Commission, California
8000-8999 Back to Top
8120 Peace Officer Standards and Training, Commission on
8140 State Public Defender
8180 Payment to Counties for Costs of Homicide Trial
8260 Arts Council, California
8320 Public Employment Relations Board
8380 Personnel Administration, Department of
8385 Citizens' Compensation Commission, California
8420 State Compensation Insurance Fund
8500 Chiropractic Examiners, Board of
8530 Pilot Commissioners for the Bays of San Francisco, San Pablo and Suisun, Board of
8550 California Horse Racing Board
8570 Food and Agriculture, Department of
8620 Fair Political Practices Commission
8640 Political Reform Act of 1974
8660 Public Utilities Commission
8690 Seismic Safety Commission
8770 Electricity Oversight Board
8780 Milton Marks "Little Hoover" Commission on California State Government Organization and Economy
8820 Status of Women, Commission on the
8830 California Law Revision Commission
8840 Uniform State Laws, Commission on
8855 State Audits, Bureau of
8860 Finance, Department of
8880 Financial Infomation System for California
8885 State Mandates, Commission on
8910 Administrative Law, Office of
8940 Military Department
8950 Veterans Affairs, Department of
9000-9999 Back to Top
9100 Tax Relief
9210 Local Government Financing
9350 Shared Revenues
9600 Debt Service General Obligation Bonds and Commercial Paper
9610 Lease-Revenue Notes and Bonds
9612 Enhanced Tobacco Settlement Asset-Backed Bonds
9620 Payment of Interest on General Fund Loans
9625 Interest Payments to the Federal Government
9650 Health and Dental Benefits for Annuitants
9658 Budget Stabilization Account
9670 Equity Claims of California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board and Settlements and Judgments by Department of Justice
9800 Augmentation for Employee Compensation
9818 Federal Levy of State Funds
9840 Augmentation for Contingencies or Emergencies
9860 Capital Outlay Planning and Studies Funding
9885 Reserve for Liquidation of Encumbrances
9900 Statewide General Administrative Expenditures (Pro Rata)
9909 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Compliance
9944 Budget-Balancing Reductions
9955 Employee Compensation Reform