Department of Developmental Services
Regional Centers
Compared to the Governor's Budget, Regional Center community caseload is projected to decrease by 586 consumers, to 221,069 consumers. The May Revision includes a net decrease of $53.3 million ($88.8 million General Fund) for Regional Centers to reflect updated caseload and expenditure data. The May Revision reflects increased federal funds, reimbursements, and Public Transportation Account (PTA) funds of $35.5 million, which offset the General Fund and thus reduces the General Fund increase from the 2008-09 Governor's Budget. The May Revision reflects the following:
- Early Start/Part C Grant - The May Revision reflects an increase of $19.8 million federal funds in 2007-08 and a corresponding decrease in General Fund by accelerating the drawdown of Early Start federal grant funds.
- Transportation - The May Revision reflects an increase of $6.2 million from the PTA funds to reflect updated transportation expenditures.
- Reversion of Current Year Savings - The May Revision reflects General Fund savings of $88.8 million in 2007-08, in part due to the increased federal funds, reimbursements, and PTA funds totaling $35.5 million. The savings will be reverted to the General Fund effective June 30, 2008.
Compared to the Governor's Budget, Regional Center community caseload is projected to decrease by 2,450 consumers, to 229,675 consumers. The May Revision includes a net increase of $150.4 million ($45.9 million General Fund), reflecting the following changes:
- Purchase of Services - The May Revision provides a net increase of $124.5 million (increase of $8.2 million General Fund) to fund projected Regional Center expenditures for residential and other services. These services include Community Care Facilities, Health Care, Health Facilities, In-Home Respite, and Day Programs. Utilization and costs for services are estimated to increase by 3.8 percent over the Governor's Budget. This is due to funding adjustments and factors such as an increase in the number of consumers dually diagnosed with mental health conditions, an increase in persons diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, and increased need for support services.
- Operations - The May Revision reflects an increase of $4.8 million ($22.8 million General Fund) due to funding adjustments and increased Early Start staffing resulting from projected increased eligibility assessments of approximately 823 cases since the Governor's Budget.
- Early Start/Part C Grant - The May Revision reflects an increase of $13.9 million federal funds in 2008-09 and a corresponding decrease in General Fund by accelerating the draw down of Early Start federal grant funds.
- Impacts of Reductions in Other Departments - The May Revision includes $21.1 million ($14.9 million General Fund) to reflect the impacts of reductions in the Department of Social Services and the Department of Health Care Services.
- Transportation - The May Revision includes a reduction of $2.6 million in PTA funds based on updated Transportation expenditures.
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Revised Budget Detail - Health and Human Services
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for Health and Human Services.
Proposed Budget Summary - Health and Human Services (January 2008)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Health and Human Services.