Department of Developmental Services
Developmental Centers
At 2,620 residents, the average Developmental Center (DC) population remains unchanged from the Governor's Budget projection.
Agnews Developmental Center Closure - The May Revision includes Budget Bill Language to reappropriate 2007-08 General Fund savings in the Regional Center and Developmental Center budgets to 2008-09 to fund the cost of consumers who will remain at Agnews Developmental Center past the June 30, 2008 closure date. The actual amount required for reappropriation will be based on the number of consumers residing at Agnews Developmental Center after June 30, 2008 and their individual service needs and costs; however, the May Revision includes a $22 million reappropriation to reflect the best estimate at this time. The number of consumers residing at Agnews Developmental Center on May 1, 2008 was 157.
It is anticipated that funds appropriated in 2007-08 to provide services in the community for consumers who have not yet moved and funds available for employee costs associated with the closure are available for reappropriation. These funds are being reappropriated to 2008-09 to cover the costs of developmental center services, employee costs associated with closure and regional center placement costs in 2008-09.
The average DC population is projected to decrease by 45 residents over the Governor's Budget projection, to 2,404 residents to reflect the Budget Balancing Reduction (BBR) which caps the resident population at the Porterville Developmental Center's (DC) Secured Treatment Program (STP). The May Revision includes the following changes:
- Staffing - The May Revision includes a decrease of 70.6 positions attributable to the Governor's Budget BBRs, which reflected a reduction in positions. The May Revision reconciles the position authority, primarily at the Porterville DC, to reflect a decrease of 57 positions due to a capped resident population at the Porterville DC's STP, a decrease of 13 positions at the Porterville DC Office of Protective Services, and a decrease of 0.6 positions in Regional Resource Development Projects.
- Foster Grandparent Program - The May Revision includes a decrease of $21,000 in federal funds for the Foster Grandparent Program, which receives funds from Senior Corps. For federal fiscal year 2008, the funding allocated by the federal government included a 1.747-percent across-the-board rescission to this grant. California's share of this reduction is $21,000.
- Other Fund Technical Adjustments - The May Revision includes an increase of $42,000 in Reimbursements to reflect an adjustment to Other Funds amounts since the Governor's Budget.
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Revised Budget Summary - Health and Human Services (pdf * - 208K)
- Provides the entire Health and Human Services Chapter in pdf format.
Revised Budget Detail - Health and Human Services
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for Health and Human Services.
Proposed Budget Summary - Health and Human Services (January 2008)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Health and Human Services.