Legislative, Judicial, and Executive
Proposed Budget-Balancing Reductions
- Total budget-balancing reductions for the Legislative, Judicial, Executive section of the Governor's Budget amount to $6.6 million and 8.5 positions in 2007-08 and $362.8 million and 34.1 positions in 2008-09. These reductions assume necessary statutory changes will be enacted by March 1, 2008.
- Programs exempted from reductions include lease payments securing lease revenue bonds, Office of the Inspector General's Bureau of Independent Review, and the Judges' Retirement System.
- The major reductions are described below:
- $1.7 million and 10.2 positions in 2008-09 for the Office of the Inspector General's Bureau of Audits and Investigations and Executive and Administrative Units. The Office will achieve this reduction by reducing the total number of audits and investigations to be completed per year.
- $44,000 in 2007-08 and $431,000 in 2008-09 for the Office of Planning and Research's (OPR) State Planning and Policy Development Program. This reduction will impair the OPR's ability to provide policy and research support to the Governor's Office, slow operations related to the California Environmental Quality Act, and affect the statewide outreach activities of the Small Business Advocate.
- $42,000 in 2007-08 and $127,000 in 2008-09 for OPR's California Volunteers Program. This will reduce the amount of funding available to contract for marketing expertise and activities related to the California Volunteer Matching Network which could decrease the effectiveness of this tool in engaging the public in volunteering opportunities.
- $500,000 in 2008-09 for the Cesar Chavez Day of Service and Learning Program. This reduction will decrease the amount of grant funds available for after-school service learning programs for middle school students.
- $100,000 in 2007-08 and $665,000 in 2008-09 for the OES' Fire and Rescue Mutual Aid Response Program. However, the reduction in 2008-09 will be offset by the property insurance surcharge included in the Wildland Firefighting Initiative proposed in the Governor's Budget.
- $100,000 in 2007-08 and $1.2 million in 2008-09 for OES' Warning Center/Information Technology/Telecommunications Program. However, the reduction in 2008-09 will be offset by the property insurance surcharge included in the Wildland Firefighting Initiative proposed in the Governor's Budget.
- $400,000 and 2 positions in 2007-08 and $824,000 and 6.1 positions in 2008-09 for OES' Plans and Preparedness Program. This reduction will impact the OES' administrative regions' ability to serve as the conduit for information to local and regional areas to provide efficient and effective support to local disaster response.
- $2.4 million and 3 positions in 2007-08 and $9 million and 10.4 positions in 2008-09 for OES' Disaster Assistance Program. This reduction will delay the processing and payment of disaster reimbursement claims from local governments.
- $3.1 million and 2 positions in 2007-08 and $8.1 million and 4.5 positions in 2008-09 for OES' local criminal justice grant programs such as Domestic Violence, War on Methamphetamine, Vertical Prosecution Block Grant, High-Tech Theft Apprehension, Rural Crime Prevention, and Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement. This reduction will result in a lesser amount of grant funding being distributed to local agencies.
- In lieu of a 10-percent ($22 million) reduction, the Governor's Budget proposes that the Board of Equalization's (BOE) budget be augmented to collect additional General Fund revenues. A $22 million reduction would have resulted in the loss of a significantly greater amount of General Fund revenues in 2008-09. Therefore, $7.5 million is proposed for 79 new positions for the Statewide Compliance and Outreach Program (SCOP), and the continuation of 33 existing limited-term positions. The positions will generate $38 million in General Fund revenues in 2008-09, increasing to $51 million in 2009-10. These revenues will exceed BOE's 10-percent reduction amount, while also helping to close the state's tax gap. The SCOP identifies and registers businesses that sell goods without a seller's permit, and thereby evade payment of sales and use taxes. The additional resources will allow the SCOP to expand statewide.
- $105,000 in 2008-09 for the Scholarshare Investment Board's Governor's Scholarship Programs. This reduction in program administration would not adversely impact these programs, given that no new awards are being granted and workload associated with current awards is anticipated to diminish on the natural in 2008-09 and future years as award accounts are closed out or terminated due to expired eligibility.
- The Governor will lead by example and find ways for his office to continue providing excellent service to the state while tightening its belt. Therefore, the Budget includes a $2.1 million reduction in 2008-09 for the Governor's Office. The Governor is proposing that other Constitutional Officers and independent entities also find ways within their budgets to reduce the cost of state government. As such, the Budget includes an unallocated reduction in 2008-09 for the following entities:
- $26.5 million for the Legislature.
- $8.8 million for the Legislative Counsel Bureau.
- $245.9 million for the Judicial Branch.
- $453,000 for the Commission on Judicial Performance.
- $307,000 for the Lieutenant Governor's Office.
- $41.6 million for the Department of Justice.
- $9 million for the State Controller's Office.
- $3.5 million for the Secretary of State.
- $715,000 for the State Treasurer's Office.
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Proposed Budget Detail - Legislative, Judicial, and Executive
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