Legislative, Judicial, and Executive

Governmental bodies classified under the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive section of the Governor's Budget are either established as independent entities under the California Constitution or are departments with a recognized need to operate outside of the administrative oversight and control of an agency secretary. Constitutionally established bodies include the Legislature, Judicial Branch, Governor's Office, and Constitutional Officers. This section also includes such independent entities as the Inspector General, the Office of Emergency Services, and the California State Lottery.

The proposed budget was constructed first by computing the workload budget funding level. From the workload budget, adjustments are made to reflect specific policy adjustments and reductions, including budget-balancing reductions. With these adjustments, the Governor's Budget includes $8.4 billion ($3.8 billion General Fund) and 16,932.5 positions, which reflects a minimal increase of $930,000 (reduction of $126.8 million General Fund) above the revised 2007-08 Budget to support the various departments within the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches of government. Change Table LJE-01 illustrates the major changes proposed to the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive section of the Governor's Budget.

CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Legislative, Judicial, and Executive Back to Top

 Proposed Workload Budget
 Proposed Budget-Balancing Reductions
 Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments

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Proposed Budget Detail - Legislative, Judicial, and Executive
Displays Proposed Budget Detail information for Legislative, Judicial, and Executive.