K thru 12 Education
Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments

Despite the need for significant General Fund reductions, to ensure a balanced budget, the Governor's Budget includes the following major program enhancement to improve school performance and the academic achievement of California's children.

The California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CalPADS) will enable tracking of individual student enrollment history and academic performance data over time. Chapter 1002, Statutes of 2002 (SB 1453) authorizes the development of a system to: (1) provide school districts and CDE access to data necessary to comply with federal No Child Left Behind reporting requirements, (2) provide a better means of evaluating educational progress and investments over time, (3) provide local schools information that can be used to improve pupil achievement, and (4) provide an efficient, flexible, and secure means of maintaining longitudinal statewide pupil-level data. The Governor's Budget includes $8.1 million ($2.2 million General Fund and $5.9 million special and federal funds) to fully fund the recently approved contract to develop this system.

The California Longitudinal Teacher Integrated Data Education System (CalTIDES), authorized by Chapter 840, Statutes of 2006 (SB 1614), will serve as the central state repository for information regarding the teacher workforce for the purpose of developing and reviewing state policy, identifying workforce trends, and providing high-quality program evaluations of the effectiveness of teacher preparation and induction programs. The State Department of Education, in consultation with the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, is responsible for developing the system. The Governor's Budget includes $1.8 million in one-time federal Title II funds for three limited-term staff for the Department of Education for system development workload, and $400,000 for the Commission on Teacher Credentialing's workload associated with this effort.

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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for K thru 12 Education Back to Top

 K-12 School Spending and Attendance
 Proposition 98 Guarantee
 California State Teachers' Retirement System
 Proposed Workload Budget
 Proposed Budget Balancing Reductions
 Other Special Session Issues
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Budget Summary - K thru 12 Education (pdf * - 329K) -
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Proposed Budget Detail - K thru 12 Education
Displays Proposed Budget Detail information for K thru 12 Education.