K thru 12 Education
Proposed Workload Budget
Major workload adjustments for 2008-09 include the following:
- Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) Increases-The workload budget includes a $2.4 billion increase to fund a 4.94 percent statutory COLA: $1.8 billion for revenue limits, $168.7 million for special education, $82.8 million for child care programs, $62.3 million for class size reduction, $52.9 million for the Targeted Instructional Improvement Grant, $49.1 million for Economic Impact Aid and $247.4 million for various categorical programs.
- School Facilities Funding Adjustments-The workload budget includes an $839 million decrease in 2007-08 and a $569 million increase in 2008-09 for school facilities. The decrease in 2007-08 is largely attributable to lower than anticipated allocations by the State Allocation Board of modernization funds from the 2006 School Facilities Bond. The increase in 2008-09 is the result of the anticipated allocation of remaining funds from the 1998, 2002, and 2004 bonds, which have lagged projections, as well as an increased estimate of allocations of new construction funds.
- Adjustments for Average Daily Attendance (ADA)-The workload budget includes a $96.4 million net reduction in 2008-09 to reflect the decline in ADA. The majority of this amount consists of a $142.4 million decrease in school district and county office of education revenue limit apportionments (general purpose funding for schools). Despite the overall decline in ADA, there are increases of $46.1 million for the charter school block grant and $18.8 million for adult education due to increased enrollment in charter schools and adult education. Due in part to the decline in attendance, there also is a $6.2 million decrease in revenue limit apportionments for 2007-08.
- Local Property Tax Adjustments-The workload budget reflects a General Fund increase of $640 million in school district and county office of education revenue limit apportionments in 2007-08 and a decrease of $249.3 million in 2008-09, related to school district and county office of education property tax revenues. In general, increases in local property tax revenues reduce the amount of state General Fund costs for revenue limit apportionments.
- Funding for Ongoing Programs-The 2007 Budget Act appropriated $555.6 million in one-time funding to support the ongoing costs of several programs. As a result, the workload budget includes ongoing General Fund increases of $349.1 million for Home-to-School Transportation, $115.5 million for the Deferred Maintenance program, $73 million for the High Priority Schools Grant program and $18 million for the Charter School Facilities Block Grant to fully fund these programs in 2008-09.
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Proposed Budget Detail - K thru 12 Education
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