The Fair Political Practices Commission has primary responsibility for the impartial administration, implementation, and enforcement of the Political Reform Act of 1974, as amended by the voters and Legislature. The objectives of the Political Reform Act are to:
- Ensure that election campaign expenditure data is fully and accurately disclosed so that the voters may be fully informed and to inhibit improper financial practices.
- Regulate the activities of lobbyists and disclose their finances to prevent any improper influencing of public officials.
- Provide for the disclosure of assets and income of public officials, which may affect their official actions, to avoid any conflicts of interest.
- Ensure that the state ballot pamphlet contains useful and adequate information so that the voters will not be entirely dependent upon paid advertising for information concerning state measures.
- Eliminate laws and practices that unfairly favor incumbents to provide for fair elections.
- Provide adequate mechanisms to public officials and to private citizens to ensure vigorous enforcement of the Act.