7100 Employment Development Department
Program Descriptions


The objective of the Employment and Employment Related Services Program is to provide a variety of services to facilitate a match between employers' needs and job seekers' skills. In addition to providing an Internet labor exchange system, CalJOBS, to facilitate this match, job seeker skills are enhanced through a variety of case-managed programs. These programs are designed to provide specialized services to job seekers needing extra assistance, such as welfare recipients, parolees, veterans, youth, persons with disabilities and long-term unemployed individuals. There are also EDD sponsored Experience Unlimited locations designed for executive, technical, and professional job seekers to assist each other in finding suitable employment.


The Unemployment Insurance (UI) and Disability Insurance (DI) programs provide monetary relief to alleviate hardships on California workers who undergo periods of unemployment and to help stabilize the economy.

The UI program provides short-term income replacement for individuals who are unemployed through no fault of their own.

The DI program minimizes the financial hardships by providing benefits and services to eligible persons with disabilities. The Paid Family Leave program provides benefits to individuals who take time off from work to care for a seriously ill child, spouse, parent, or domestic partner or to bond with a new minor child.

Tax Collections: As one of the largest tax collection agencies in the nation, the EDD works with employers to collect California's employment taxes and data to support the employment security, child support, and personal income tax programs.


The California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (CUIAB) is a quasi-judicial agency whose primary purpose is to conduct impartial hearings and issue prompt decisions to resolve disputed unemployment and disability determinations and tax liability assessments of the EDD. The CUIAB is committed to providing quality service and access for all customers including persons with disabilities and/or require language assistance while ensuring security and confidentiality of personal data.

The CUIAB operates as a separate entity within EDD. The EDD provides fiscal and some business services support for the CUIAB. The Board consists of seven members, five appointed by the Governor and one each by the Senate Rules Committee and the Speaker of the Assembly. The CUIAB uses two levels of review. First, the Field Operations level is composed of 12 regional offices providing local in-person services across the state. The Appeals Board level reviews appeals from the decisions rendered by field judges. Second, the Board, acting as a whole, may designate its decisions as precedent decisions, which constitute the foundations of the various benefit programs that fall within the Board's jurisdiction. All decisions of the Appeals Board are final except for the filing of an action in Superior Court.


The Employment Training Panel (ETP) is an ongoing statewide economic development program that supports the California economy by ensuring that employers, primarily small businesses, have the trained workers they need to compete in the global economy while providing workers with reasonable wages and secure employment. The ETP is a significant economic development tool for business attraction and business retention and works in partnership with business, labor, and government. The ETP, in conjunction with state and local partners, prioritizes special economic development initiatives with the objective of retaining and creating high-skilled, high-paying jobs throughout the state.


The EDD administers the federal Workforce Investment Act Program, which offers a comprehensive range of workforce development activities through statewide and local organizations. Available workforce development activities provided via One-Stop Career Centers in local communities benefit job seekers and employers, laid-off workers, youth, incumbent workers, new entrants to the workforce, veterans, and persons with disabilities. These activities range from self-assisted access to employment-related information to job skills training programs. The purpose of these activities is to promote an increase in the employment, job retention, earnings and occupational skills improvement by participants.


The National Emergency Grant (NEG) Program consists of federal Department of Labor funds that are used to respond to a sudden and significant dislocation of workers due to emergencies such as flooding or earthquakes, or major business cutbacks. This authority allows the state to react immediately when the federal government makes this funding available.