3940 State Water Resources Control Board
Major Program Changes
- The Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006 (Proposition 84): The Budget includes $111.4 million Proposition 84 funds and 30.1 positions for the following water quality programs: State Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund Program, Agricultural Water Quality Grants, Urban Storm Water Grant Program, Clean Beaches Grant Program, Santa Monica Bay Restoration, and basin and land use planning activities.
- Brownfields: The Budget includes $3.1 million Cleanup and Abatement Account and 25.1 positions to accelerate the cleanup of approximately 750 additional brownfield sites. The Water Board's Spills, Leaks, Investigations and Cleanups Program is a voluntary program whose costs are funded by responsible parties. Under this program, the responsible parties pay the Water Board's expenses of overseeing and approving cleanup efforts.
- Proposition 13, Proposition 50, and Water Quality Bond of 1986: The Budget includes $132.5 million of funding from prior water bonds for the following water quality programs: water recycling, non-point source pollution control, wastewater construction grants, watershed planning, groundwater monitoring, and agricultural drainage loans.
- Leviathan Mine: The Budget includes $3.5 million from various fund sources and 1.9 positions for ongoing operations and maintenance projects at Leviathan Mine, such as pond water treatment, removal and disposal of sludge, water monitoring, and pond lining replacement.