The Regulatory and Planning program facilitates markets in providing adequate statewide energy supplies. The program develops long-range projections of future energy supply and demand; maintains current information on statewide electrical generation, transmission, natural gas, and fuels markets; certifies and monitors new energy facilities and fuel infrastructure for supply and distribution adequacy consistent with state energy policies; develops state energy policy based on the economic, financial, security, safety, and environmental implications of supply, demand, and price assessments; and monitors energy markets to ensure competitive prices and to prevent potential market abuses.
10.10-Power Plant Siting and Certification:
This program reviews power plant siting applications, ensures that power plant developers comply with conditions of certification and all applicable laws and regulations during the construction and operation of power plants, and analyzes the reliability, efficiency, and environmental performance issues related to power plants and the state's electricity transmission grid.
10.20-Electricity Resource Planning:
This program evaluates current and future electricity supply market trends and infrastructure needs, assesses the adequacy of electricity supplies, analyzes regulations and environmental issues related to electricity, and provides information and recommendations to state agencies, electricity market participants, and the public.
The Energy Resources Conservation program works to reduce overall energy use and decrease peak electricity demand by tracking current energy demands and trends, assessing future demand needs, identifying energy efficiency opportunities, and developing and implementing marketing programs and standards for the use of energy in agriculture and food processing, manufacturing, water systems, moving water or wastewater, and other processing functions.
This program works to reduce consumer energy bills and peak demands by developing and implementing strategies and minimum efficiency standards for new and existing residential and nonresidential buildings, appliances, and equipment; provides building standards technical assistance to the building industry; and maintains a database of energy efficiency appliances and equipment.
20.30-Energy Projects Evaluation and Assistance:
This program provides technical assistance, grants, and loans to improve energy efficiency and reduce operating costs of schools, hospitals, local governments, water and water treatment facilities, agricultural facilities, industry and multi-family housing.
20.40-Demand Side Program Evaluation:
This program collects and analyzes electricity and natural gas consumption data used to prepare energy demand forecasts, forecasts peak and total energy consumption by sector, and estimates the amount of energy conserved by existing and proposed program activities.
The Development Program conducts research, development, demonstration, and commercialization activities on energy efficiency, renewable and advanced energy technologies and transportation technologies to ensure that future energy supplies are cost effective, secure and reliable, enhance environmental quality, and promote state and local economic development. The program provides technical assistance, financial assistance, direct technology research and demonstration, technology forecasting, technology analysis and evaluation, and information transfer. The program also helps energy technology companies export their technologies, products, and services to international markets and helps California companies develop international energy projects.
30.20-Transportation Technology and Fuels:
This program ensures that adequate and reliable transportation energy is available, while balancing economic, public health, safety and environmental concerns. The program also provides analyses and options used to guide state policy and legislation to reduce petroleum consumption, and promote development of new transportation technologies and fuels that provide energy, economic, and environmental benefits to California motorists. In addition, the program provides financial incentives for the purchase of alternative fueled vehicles and buses, funding of advanced technology demonstration programs, and cost-sharing of construction of necessary supporting alternative fuel infrastructure so advanced and efficient technologies can enter the marketplace sooner. The program monitors, analyzes and reports on transportation fuel supply and production, vehicle population mixes, and transportation demand issues and trends, and maintains the California Energy Shortage Contingency Plan to respond to energy shortages and emergencies.
This program area also identifies ways in which California can help mitigate global climate change, analyzes the potential effects of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions on California's environment and major sectors of the economy, proposes strategies to reduce GHG emissions, assists the California Air Resources Board in developing the state's inventory of GHG emissions, and participates in the joint agency climate team to help develop a unified policy framework for state initiatives to maximize mitigation of and adaptation to climate change impacts.
California energy technology companies receive assistance exporting their technologies, products, and services to international markets, focusing on developing nations in Asia and Latin America. The program supports the Governor's Border Energy commitments, and helps offset the disadvantages encountered by California firms when competing with European and Japanese companies heavily supported by their governments, by identifying export opportunities, evaluating and facilitating the development of specific projects, increasing foreign buyer awareness of California's energy industry, and distributing information through conferences, publications and websites to California firms and potential foreign buyers.
The Natural Gas component evaluates current and future natural gas market trends and infrastructure needs; assesses the adequacy of natural gas supplies; analyzes regulations and environmental issues related to natural gas; leads interagency working groups to monitor short-term natural gas market trends; discusses, assesses, and recommends state actions to facilitate potential Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) siting applications; considers LNG penetration in the state's natural gas market; and provides information and recommendations to the administration, state agencies, natural gas market participants, and the public.
30.30-Research and Development:
This program supports energy research and development projects not adequately addressed by competitive and regulated markets. The objective is to advance energy science and technology and deploy environmentally safe, reliable, and affordable energy services and products to Californians.
30.40-Technology Evaluation:
This program area fosters the growth of the renewable energy market by providing production-based incentives and rebates to purchasers of renewable products, tracking and verifying renewable energy transactions, and educating the public about renewable energy.
This program consists of Conservation and Development program loan repayments, which are deposited in the following accounts: State Energy Conservation Assistance Account; Local Jurisdiction Energy Assistance Account; Energy Technologies Research, Development and Demonstration Account; and Local Government Geothermal Resources Revolving Subaccount.