3360 Energy Resource Conservation/Dvlmt Comm
Major Program Changes
- AB 32: Global Warming Solutions - The Budget includes $1,110,000 and 4.8 positions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Emission reduction strategies include expanding energy efficiency, increasing the use of alternative fuels and biofuels, promoting renewable electricity generation, and implementing electricity demand strategies.
- Million Solar Roofs Initiative - Chapter 132, Statutes of 2006 (SB 1) requires the Energy Commission to initiate a proceeding to determine solar requirements for new buildings, determine subsidy eligibility requirements, and develop an offset program for homebuilders. The Budget includes $994,000 and 4.8 positions to implement SB 1 and the New Solar Homes Partnership.
- Williams Energy Company Settlement - The Budget includes a $24,796,000 transfer from the Ratepayer Relief Fund to the Energy Conservation Assistance Account. The funds were received from a settlement agreement entered into between the California Attorney General and the Williams Energy Company. These funds will provide grants for energy projects at K-12 schools, including solar energy projects, which is consistent with the terms of the settlement agreement.