0845 Department of Insurance
Major Program Changes
  • Urban Grant Program - The Governor's Budget includes $1.4 million Insurance Fund for the Urban Grant program to combat organized automobile insurance fraud.

  • Automobile Insurance Fraud - The Governor's Budget includes $1.6 million Insurance Fund to increase grants to local District Attorneys to combat automobile insurance fraud that is not a result of organized crime.

  • Workers' Compensation Fraud - The Governor's Budget includes $1.3 million to continue grants for local government to combat workers' compensation fraud by employers and medical providers.

  • Consumer Education - The Governor's Budget includes $750,000 Insurance Fund for grants to enhance prosecution of financial abuse crimes and to provide consumer education regarding abuse related to life insurance and annuity products.

  • Intervenors - The Governor's Budget includes $780,000 Insurance Fund for Intervenors that act on behalf of consumers to resolve conflicts with insurers.