0820 Department of Justice
Major Program Changes
- Expanding DNA's Crime-Solving Reach-The Budget includes $2.5 million ($1.2 million General Fund) and 2.8 positions to expand the capacity of the DNA program established pursuant to the DNA Fingerprint, Unsolved Crime and Innocence Protection Act (Proposition 69). This augmentation will allow the Department of Justice (DOJ) to implement a DNA Live Scan Automation Project in all 58 counties, establish a California Criminalistics Institute in Southern California, and continue the Cal DNA Databank Casework Program at its current level.
- Correctional Writs and Appeals Augmentation-The Budget includes $4.8 million General Fund and 29.6 positions to support increased federal habeas corpus workload, including federal habeas corpus appeals, which have increased dramatically since the courts, in November 2005, eliminated the requirement that inmates needed permission from the court before filing federal habeas corpus appeals.
- Megan's Law Website Enhancements-The Budget includes $767,000 General Fund and 2.0 positions to implement recently enacted legislation, which will improve public safety, by providing additional information available to the public on the DOJ's Megan's Law Website. This augmentation will allow the DOJ to include on its Megan's Law Website, the year of conviction of an offender's most recent sexual offense, the year the person was released from incarceration for that offense, and whether the person was subsequently incarcerated for any other felony.