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0250 Judicial Branch
Major Program Changes
- Growth Factor Increase for Judicial Branch-The Budget includes $146.8 million General Fund based on the year-over-year change in the State Appropriations Limit, of which $130.1 million is for the Trial Courts and $16.7 million is for the State Judiciary. This augmentation acknowledges the need for the Judicial Branch, as a co-equal branch of government, to set its own priorities and manage its own day-to-day operations and budget.
- New Trial Court Judgeships-The Budget includes $27.8 million General Fund to add 100 new judgeships over a two-year period beginning in April 2008. The additional judgeships will increase access to the courts, address court backlogs, and provide equitable justice throughout the state. The expenditure of these funds is restricted until legislation authorizing new judgeships is enacted.
- Access to Justice Pilot Program-The Budget includes $5 million General Fund, on a three-year limited-term basis, to implement a pilot program in three Superior Courts to identify and provide representation to unrepresented litigants in a wide range of civil matters, including domestic violence restraining orders, family law, child support, paternity, unlawful detainer, and probate. This pilot program will improve the courts' ability to handle its entire caseload and help relieve court congestion.
- Implementation of Recently Enacted Legislation-The Budget includes $18.8 million General Fund to implement the Conservatorship and Guardianship Reform Act of 2006 ($17.4 million) and Court-Appointed Counsel for Children in Dependency Cases ($1.4 million). This augmentation will provide resources for the courts to conduct more investigations and hearings related to conservators and guardians, and to appoint counsel in every judicial proceeding involving an abused or neglected child.