Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Correctional Health Care Services
The May Revision proposes $45.9 million General Fund in 2007-08 to address various court requirements related to the provision of medical, dental, and mental health care services. Specifically, the May Revision includes the following adjustments:
- Health Care Services Administration Funding - To better address cross-cutting activities related to the Plata, Perez, and Coleman lawsuits, the Administration proposes to add $25 million General Fund in 2007-08 to the $150 million proposed in the Governor's Budget for activities of the Receiver appointed by the Plata court and to make this total of $175 million in funding available to the Receiver and for coordinated efforts of the Plata, Perez and Coleman courts to address shared administrative and program efforts, such as health care information technology projects, contract management, and pharmacy services.
- Ongoing Plata Receivership Costs - The Budget Act of 2006 included $100 million for activities of the Receiver appointed by the court in the Plata lawsuit. The Governor's Budget included an additional $50 million for 2006-07. Since the Governor's Budget, approximately $28.7 million in additional funds have been transferred, for a total of approximately $79 million transferred to date in 2006-07. These transfers result in ongoing costs of approximately $73.2 million in 2007-08. The May Revision proposes approximately $18.2 million, in addition to the $54.6 million proposed in the Governor's Budget, for the ongoing costs of the transfers requested by the Receiver in the current year.
- Inmate Dental Services Program - $2.7 million General Fund to allow the CDCR to rollout Phase IV of the Inmate Dental Services Program as required by the stipulation reached in the Perez lawsuit and to provide additional headquarters staffing within the Dental Program.
- Hiring Plan for Dental and Mental Health Programs - Additional position authority to allow the CDCR to address its difficulty in hiring and retaining necessary dental and mental health professionals. This proposal is primarily designed to provide the CDCR with dedicated staff to expedite its hiring process so it can fill critical positions within the dental and mental health programs. The positions will be funded within existing resources and will complement the $1 million proposed in an April 1 Finance Letter for the Department of Personnel Administration to recruit additional dental and mental health professionals.
- In addition to these court-driven issues, the May Revision also proposes to transfer all health care guarding and transportation costs to the Health Care Services Program. This will better enable the Health Care Services Program to manage and oversee guarding and transportation costs related to the health care programs. This will result in a net zero impact on the CDCR's budget, but will align resources within the program where the expenditures are incurred.
- Coleman Cell Modifications - $4.6 million one-time General Fund to continue state efforts to reduce the potential for suicides within cells where suicides are most prevalent in response to the Coleman court's orders. This proposal would allow the CDCR to retrofit 124 existing mental health acute care cells at the California Medical Facility to remove all hanging attachment sites. This proposal would also allow the CDCR to modify or replace vent screens in 2,235 mental health cells within 45 administrative segregation units at 28 prisons statewide.
- Valdivia Parole Revocation Process Monitoring - $1.6 million General Fund to provide staff dedicated to the compliance and monitoring of the parole revocation process. This proposal would allow the CDCR to accelerate its compliance with court orders and ultimately this class action lawsuit.
- Rutherford Transcription Services - $1.3 million General Fund to provide contract funding for the Board of Parole Hearings to transcribe lifer hearings and place the transcription online.
- Armstrong Remedial Plan - $2.8 million General Fund in 2006-07 and $7.4 million in 2007-08 to comply with a federal injunction requiring compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) within correctional facilities. This plan would enhance tracking of ADA inmates, establish ADA compliance and tracking positions within facilities, and create and staff a new correctional sign language interpreter classification. Funding and staff are being proposed on a two-year limited term basis.
The Receiver submitted his budget proposal to the Administration and the Legislature on May 11, 2007. The Administration will immediately begin reviewing that proposal with the intent to provide its recommendations and funding options to the Legislature prior to the commencement of the Budget Conference Committee.
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Revised Budget Detail - Corrections and Rehabilitation
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for Corrections and Rehabilitation.
Proposed Budget Summary - Corrections and Rehabilitation (January 2007)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Corrections and Rehabilitation.