Corrections and Rehabilitation
Expansion of Capacity and Rehabilitative Programs
On May 3, 2007, the Governor signed AB 900 (Chapter 7, Statutes of 2007), which provides for a critical expansion of capacity in the state prison system. AB 900 emphasized expanding rehabilitative programs and measuring outcomes through performance goals to reduce the high rate of recidivism among adult offenders.
AB 900 appropriated $50 million for the CDCR to expand rehabilitative programs. AB 900 also authorized the construction of additional infill beds at existing facilities and the creation of re-entry facilities for the incarceration of inmates who have served the majority of their terms near the communities into which they will eventually be released.
The May Revision does not include funding for all of the potential fiscal impacts associated with AB 900. The Governor has convened multi-disciplinary "Strike Teams" to review and make recommendations on the programmatic and construction-related aspects of AB 900 implementation. Once the Strike Teams have evaluated the fiscal implications of AB 900, implementation plans and resource needs beyond those appropriated in AB 900 will be presented to the Legislature. The May Revision includes the following:
An increase of $11.7 million General Fund in 2007-08 and $27.8 million in 2008-09 to fill vacant teacher positions in adult institutions. By filling teacher vacancies, the CDCR will be able to provide educational and vocational services to an additional 6,372 inmates annually.
An increase of $9.6 million in 2007-08 and $14.6 million in 2008-09 to reflect the transfer of up to 5,060 inmates to correctional facilities in other states. AB 900 authorizes these transfers, and this will provide immediate relief for overcrowding in the prison system and enhance the safety of the conditions under which employees work and inmates are housed.
An increase of $581,000 General Fund for the CDCR's Office of Facilities Management to provide immediate staffing needs to support the prison construction projects authorized by AB 900 and $2 million General Fund for the Corrections Standards Authority to administer the local jail bed construction grants authorized by AB 900.
The enactment of AB 900 will allow the CDCR to begin to address the much-needed space issues for mental health care and dental care. The design and construction of six mental health projects resulting in beds or treatment space for 775 inmates at a cost of $199.6 million as well as $285 million for dental facilities at seven institutions will be allocated from the $857.1 million in lease revenue bond authority granted in Phase I of AB 900 for the purpose of mental health, medical, and dental care. The CDCR continues to refine the estimated costs for the balance of the approximately 4,000 mental health beds that have been proposed to the Coleman court in the December 2006 Mental Health Bed plan. The CDCR will be working in conjunction with the Coleman and Perez courts and the federal Receiver appointed by the Plata court to provide the most efficient, consolidated use of space to provide constitutionally adequate health care to all CDCR inmates.
In addition to the items noted above, the May Revision reverses the savings that were assumed for direct discharge and diagnostic evaluations and removes the funds proposed for creation of the California Sentencing Commission. The Administration is withdrawing the proposed statutory changes that accompanied these savings and expenditure proposals. However, the Administration continues to seek statutory authority proposed in the Governor's Budget for up to 4,500 beds in Female Rehabilitative Community Correctional Facilities.
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Revised Budget Summary - Corrections and Rehabilitation (pdf * - 13K)
- Provides the entire Corrections and Rehabilitation Chapter in pdf format.
Revised Budget Detail - Corrections and Rehabilitation
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for Corrections and Rehabilitation.
Proposed Budget Summary - Corrections and Rehabilitation (January 2007)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Corrections and Rehabilitation.