Health and Human Services
Department of Social Services
The Budget includes $19.1 billion ($9 billion General Fund) for the Department of Social Services, an increase of $698.3 million (a decrease of $222.1 million General Fund) from the revised 2006 Budget Act level.
The Budget includes total California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) expenditures of $7.2 billion. Caseload is projected to decrease by a modest amount after many consecutive years of decline. The revised caseload projections are 461,200 cases in 2006-07 and 457,500 in 2007-08.
Total General Fund expenditures for the Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment (SSI/SSP) program are $3.7 billion in 2007-08, an increase of $118.7 million from the revised 2006 Budget Act level. The average monthly caseload in this program is estimated to increase to 1.3 million recipients, a 1.8-percent increase over the 2006-07 projected level.
The Budget provides a pass-through of the federal cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for the SSI/SSP program on January 1, 2008, which will increase the monthly grant payment levels from $856 for aged or disabled individuals and from $1,502 for aged or disabled couples to $868 and $1,521 respectively. The Budget delays provision of the state SSI/SSP COLA from January 2008 to June 2008. On June 1, 2008, monthly grant payment levels will increase to $888 for aged or disabled individuals and to $1,558 for aged or disabled couples. California's SSI/SSP payment levels for individuals and couples are projected to maintain rankings of second and first in the nation, respectively.
Total General Fund expenditures for the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) program are $1.6 billion in 2007-08, an increase of $97.1 million from the revised 2006 Budget Act level. The average monthly caseload in this program is estimated to increase to 389,100 recipients, a 5.1-percent increase over the 2006-07 projected level. Effective July 1, 2007, state participation in IHSS provider wages and health benefits increased from $11.10 per hour to $12.10 per hour, based on the projected growth of General Fund revenues.
The child welfare services system in California provides a continuum of services through programs, including Child Welfare Services, Child Abuse Prevention, Foster Care, Adoption Assistance, and Adoptions to children who are either at risk of or have suffered abuse and neglect. The Budget includes $4.1 billion ($1.6 billion General Fund) to provide assistance payments and services to children and families under these programs. This is a $175.4 million, or a 4.5-percent increase, from the revised 2006 Budget Act level. Major investments in the child welfare system include:
- An increase of $3.7 million ($2 million General Fund), effective February 1, 2008, to double the reimbursement rate for non-profit private adoption agencies that specialize in finding permanent homes for children with high needs.
- An increase of $17.2 million ($9.6 million General Fund), effective January 1, 2008, to provide a 5-percent increase to foster family home base rates, specialized care increments, and group home rates; Adoption Assistance Program cases prospectively; and all Kin-GAP and Emergency Assistance cases.
- An increase of $30.8 million ($15.2 million General Fund) to create a standard rate paid to foster care and adoptive families who care for children with developmental disabilities. These children are served by both the Department of Social Services and the Department of Developmental Services. The effect of this change will be an expedited and streamlined process for families accessing services through this program. Under this change, the vast majority of families will receive a rate increase and no family will see a decrease. Children will continue to receive all necessary services related to their developmental disability through the regional center system.
- An increase of $20.2 million General Fund to increase participation in the Transitional Housing Plus Program, which provides services to youth between 18 and 24 years of age emancipating from the foster care system.
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