Health and Human Services
Reductions to Build a Prudent Fiscal Reserve
The budget includes reductions to various Health and Human Services programs to help build a prudent reserve, including the following major adjustments:
- A decrease of $331.9 million General Fund in the DHCS Medi-Cal estimate. This reduction is based on historical data showing that on average over the last three fiscal years, Medi-Cal expenditures have fallen short of the estimate by more than $400 million General Fund.
- Deletion of one-time funding of $106.3 million ($53.1 million General Fund) in the DHCS that was intended to fund Medi-Cal managed care rates.
- Elimination of a total of $32.1 million ($15.4 million General Fund), on a one-time basis, in the DHCS, the DPH, and the Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board to delay implementation of a pilot program for self-certification of income at enrollment for Medi-Cal and development of feasibility study reports related to information technology system changes proposed by Chapter 328, Statutes of 2006 (SB 437). This reduction will result in a delay of one year in implementing the bill.
- A reduction of $34.6 million ($15 million General Fund) for the county grants portion of the Children's Outreach initiative in Medi-Cal and the Healthy Families Program. With this reduction, $147 million ($64.7 million General Fund) remains to fund other components of the initiative that streamline enrollment processes, improve retention, and support county-based enrollment efforts for children.
- A reduction of $54.9 million General Fund for the Integrated Services for Homeless Adults with Serious Mental Illness Program. To the extent counties find this program beneficial and cost-effective, it can be restructured to meet the needs of each county's homeless population using other county funding sources, such as federal funds, realignment funds, or Proposition 63 funds.
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Enacted Budget Detail - Health and Human Services
Displays Enacted Budget Detail information for Health and Human Services.