Statewide Issues
Eliminating State Boards and Commissions
The Administration continues to review the myriad of boards and commissions that have been created over the years to determine which of them should be eliminated because they are no longer needed. As part of the 2007-08 Budget, the Administration is proposing to eliminate the following boards and commissions:
Heritage Preservation Commission. This Commission consists of 16 members as appointed by the Governor, the Senate, the Assembly and 5 specified participants. This Commission's primary responsibility is to consult with the Secretary of State as required concerning preservation of documents in the State Archives. This Commission has not met since 2003.
California Consumer Power and Conservation Financing Authority. The California Consumer Power and Conservation Financing Authority (CPA) was created in response to the 2000-01 Energy Crisis and was charged with assuring a reliable supply of power to Californians at just and reasonable rates, including planning for sufficient reserves. After two and a half years, it was apparent that the CPA was providing minimal value in assisting the state in meeting its energy objectives. The administrative operations of the agency ceased in October 2004 and its last remaining program, the Demand Reserve Program, is scheduled to expire June 30, 2007. The Budget proposes to transfer all remaining CPA funds (estimated at $2,541,000) to the Energy Commission to repay loans provided by the Budget Act of 2002 and the Budget Act of 2003.
California Electricity Oversight Board. The Electricity Oversight Board (EOB) was created as a result of energy deregulation and was intended to ensure that wholesale energy markets and the electric transmission system function reliably at fair costs to consumers. Many of its market oversight functions are no longer necessary as they have been filled by the federal government and the California Independent System Operator. The EOB also represents the state before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Federal Courts and in regional forums. This function duplicates activities conducted by the Public Utilities Commission and the Office of the Attorney General. The Budget for this board is $4,128,000 and 23 positions (21.9 PYs) for support of the EOB.
California Quality Education Commission. The California Quality Education Commission was established by Chapter 416, Statutes of 2003. The 13-member Commission was tasked with evaluating and reforming the state's education model for preschool through grade 12 students. The Commission's responsibilities will expire on January 1, 2008. The Budget proposes to eliminate the California Quality Education Commission because both the Governor's Committee on Education Excellence and the P-16 Council established by the Superintendent of Public Instruction absorbed the functions of the Commission.
The Budget proposes a Control Section to authorize the Director of Finance to reduce appropriations, as appropriate, to reflect the elimination of these boards.
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