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Table displaying Proposed Expenditures for the Global Warming Solutions Act in 2007-08 (All Funds).  All dollars are in thousands.  Emissions Inventory/Mandatory Reporting is $3,444 and 17.2 positions for the Air Board.  Emission Reduction Scoping Plan is $1,812 and 10.8 positions for the Air Board.  Alternative and Market-Based Compliance Measures is $12,034 and 35.8 positions, including $3,398 and 4.7 positions for the Department of General Services, $305 and 2.4 positions for the Energy Commission, $331 non-add funding and 1.9 positions for the Department of Food and Agriculture, $1,500 for Forestry, $6,636 anf 25 positions for the Air Board, $59 and 0.4 positions for the Waste Board, and $136 and 1.4 positions for the PUC.  Regulatory Emission Reduction Measures is $7,136 and 29.4 positions, including $305 and 2.4 positions for the Energy Commission, $6,636 and 25 positions for the Air Board, $59 and 0.5 positions for the Waste Board, and $136 and 1.5 positions for the PUC.  Scientific and Economic Analysis is $7,395 and 9 positions, including $500 for the Secretary for Environmental Protection, the Waste Board, and the Energy Commission, $2,000 and 4.7 positions for DWR, $2,780 and 3.4 positions for the Air Board, $115 and 0.9 positions for Toxics, and $1,000 for the PUC.  Program Oversight and Coordination is $3,940 and 23.9 positions, including $890 and 4.7 positions for the Secretary for Environmental Protection, $3,050 and 19.2 positions for the Air Board.
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